{ I catch a breath it chilles my lungs }

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Tristan's POV


"Tris shut up." Connor yelled back.

"We all know how this ends Con.." I said.

"BUT DAVY JONES IS ON RIGHT NOW!!" He screamed in a Davy Jones voice.

"I don't care, I just want to listen to songs or sleep." I moaned.

"Awww is Trissie scared for the giant squid." Chloe said and pinched his cheek.

"No.." I said back.

"It's not a squid, it's an octopus!!!" Connor yelled.

"Oh, it looks like a squid to me." Chloe said to him.

"I don't know really what it is.. What do you guys think?" I said and looked at Brad and Ashlyn. Who were snogging their faces off.


"What?" He said when he pulled away.

"Guys I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep." I said and walked upstairs to one of Ashlyn's spare rooms.

"Fuck alcohol." I said and fell asleep.

Ashlyn's POV

"What's his problem?" I said to Brad.

"Probably alcohol. If he had too much then he's going a bit crazy." He said.

"Oh okay. Well maybe we need to stop and sleep. I'm a bit tired.." I said and looked at Brad.

"Do you want to sleep princess?" He said and stroke my hair.

"Yeah, I'm gonna brush my teeth and then I'm going to my bed okay?" I said and got up.

"You mean my bed?" Brad said and smirked.

"Yeah whatever." I said and walked upstairs.

I brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and jumped in bed.

"Today has been amazing." I said to myself and fell asleep.

~ next morning

I woke up and yawned. Damn, last night was amazing.. I think.

"Well good morning to you too hot stuff." Said a voice next to me.

I looked at my right and saw Brad looking at me.

"Good morning handsome." I almost whispered.

"So, did you have fun last night?" He said.

"Yeah.. I think so?" I said and brushed my hand through my hair.

"D-d-don't do that Ash.." Brad said and I looked at him with confusion.

"Why not?" I said.

"Because it's damn sexy and it's not even 10am, so stop please." He said and threw his head back into his pillow.

"Twat." I said and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Ew, morning breath is so disgusting. Why does it exist, like, nobody likes it and yeah.. I don't know..

"What were you saying a few seconds ago.. Princess.." Brad smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist, while he stood behind me.

"Nothing.." I said and spit the toothpaste into the sink.

"It sounded like... Twat maybe?" He smirked and kissed my cheek.

"Okay maybe, now brush your teeth." I said and ran out of the bathroom.

"Twat." I cursed under my breath.

"HEARD THAT!" Brad yelled and made me laugh.

"I STILL LOVE YOU THOUGH!" I yelled back and I heard him chuckle.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!!" He yelled back.

Well okay, obviously we woke everybody up with our "yelling" so everybody was screaming that we needed to shut "the fuck" up.

I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast, but I heard a strange noise, so I ran back upstairs and screamed.

Of course when I almost reached the top of the stairs I bumped into someone and almost fell off the stairs.

Luckily that person pulled my arm and pulled me into his chest.

I looked up and it was James.

"Good morning to you too love." He said in a morning voice.

"Morning Jems!" I said and walked past him.

"Wait, why did you scream?" He said.

"I heard a very creepy noise and I was scared..." I said and walked into Brad's room.

Of course he was looking in the mirror. But when he saw me through the mirror our eyes locked and he turned around to face me.

"Aye little shit." Brad said when I walked inside.

"Twat." I said and laughed.

"So why did you scream?" He asked.

"I heard a strange noise okay, I was scared, now shut up." I said and walked over to him.

"What are you gonna do about it miss." He smirked.

"I don't know." I said and leaned in and he did the same.

We were inches away from each other and then I pulled back and walked away.

"Fucking tease!" I heard him screaming, I was just laughing and walked downstairs again.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw that everybody stood there.

"Why are you guys in the kitchen?" I said and laughed.

"We wanted to make breakfast, but we heard a noise in the living room. So we are scared." Chloe said.

"I heard the same, this morning. But then in the kitchen." I said and laughed.

"Why are you laughing? It's fucking scary!" Tristan yelled.

"Okay okay." I said and walked to the "gang".

"Where are Con and Brad?" Megan said.

"Connor was in bed this morning, but I didn't see him after 9am." Shay said.

"So you guys slept together." Tristan said and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not like that dork!" She said and pinched him in the arm in a friendly way.

"Okay sorry." He said and throw his hands in the air in surrender.

"Guys..?" Brad yelled in the living room.

"BRAD KITCHEN!" I yelled back.

"Oii what's up? Why are you guys here?" He said when he entered the kitchen.

"There is a creepy noise in the living room.." Chloe said.

"Guys, it's just Connor. He picked Rex up from his house this morning. He's just playing with him right now." He laughed.

"But I didn't see Connor in the living room?" Shanaya said.

"They're playing hide and seek. With weird noises or something. Come on, don't be scared." He said and laughed again.

"God damn it Brad.." I said and pinched his arm in a friendly way.

"Your faces were priceless, oh my god." He said and hold his stomach.

"Ha ha, very funny Brad." James said and walked past him to the living room.

"Twat." I said when I walked behind James.

"Vagina." Brad said and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

Damn, I love this boy so much.





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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