{ I promise, tonight's your dream }

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School was over, so we all went to our houses to prepare for tonight.

"SHAYYYYYY!!" I yelled.

"DAMN! Ash what's wrong?" She asked when she walked into my room.

"I don't know what to wear...." I said when I threw all my clothes on the ground, just to find the perfect outfit.

"Ash you have to clean this up. By the way, I'll search an outfit for you." She said and pushed me into the bathroom.

"Go and take a shower, curl the ends of your hair and I'll do the rest okay?" She said when she gave me some towels.

"Okay, thank you Shanaya, I love you."

"I love you too Ashlyn."

When I finished my shower and curled my hair I dried myself and put the towel on me. I walked into my bedroom and saw a beautiful outfit on my bed.

"Shay oh my god! How did you get this?" I screamed and gave her a hug.

"Brad gave me this for you." She smirked.

"Brad? What? Why?" I asked.

"I don't know, just put it on so I can do the rest of you and then I'll do myself." She said and went back to her bedroom.

On my bed laid a black short dress without sleeves. On the dress were a kind of diamonds or something. It was beautiful. I turned the dress around and noticed that the back was open. Maybe it's a bit of a slutty dress. Well.. It's for a party so yeah, I don't care.

I put the dress on and some high heels, but not too high that I was higher then Brad.

I walked to Shay's room and she was already dressed up.

"Wowww Shay, you look smoking hot ayeeee."

"Thank you babe, you too! Now come here, I'll do your makeup and hair. By the way Megan and Chloe are at the bus in a few minutes. They would ring us when they're there."

We were finished and walked to Shanaya's car to drive to the bus stop to pick Megan and Chloe up.

When we arrived at the busstop we saw that they were already there. We jumped out of the car and ran to our best friends.

"BABEESSSS!! HOW ARE YOU?!" I screamed.


"We'll tell you later, we now have to go to a party." Said Shay.

"WOEHH LET'S GOOO, BY THE WAY YOU GUYS ARE GORGEOUS!!" I yelled when we sat in the car.


Finally we arrived in Brad's street. We drove further and we saw a house with lights and empty red cups in the front yard.

"Is this the right place?" I asked.

"I think so, look at all the drunk people!" Shay said and was pointing to someone.

"Well.. Let's go!" I said and we walked to Brad's house.

We knocked on the door and there he was. Brad. His white blouse was already open and showed his bare torso.

"Well hello beautiful, looking pretty damn fine." He smirked.

"Thanks for the dress Simpson, already drunk I see?" I said back.

"Simpson? Wow. You're so hot when you say my last name." He grinned.

"Okay he's so drunk and the party started a few minutes ago!" I whispered in Shay her ear.

The Sextape // Brad Simpson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now