{ I know I don't know you, but I'd like to }

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"Hey, I'm Connor and this is James." Said the one with the nose piercing and who was pointing at the boy next to him.

"Nice to meet you fellahs." I said smiling.

The teacher arrived and we all sat down. The boys were all sitting next to each other and I sat in the middle row of them. So it was Brad and Tris at the front, I sat behind them and Connor and James sat behind me.

The music teacher was pretty awesome. He looked so chill, but you could see that he really has a passion for music. He gave us a assignment that we have to make a band with 5 people and perform a few songs. We had a month to write/sing and rehearse.

When he said that we could choose partners I saw that Brad, Tris, James and Connor already stood next to each other.

"Ash? Do you want to be in a band with us?" Brad said.

"Yeah sure, I'm not very good at anything though." I said back with a small smile.

"It's okay, I can teach you." He winked, took my hand and we walked to an empty studio.

We were sitting in a circle and discussed our plans. Tristan is the drummer, James is the guitarist, Connor is the bassist and Brad is the lead singer and the guitarist.

"So Ashlyn, which instruments can you play? Or what do you love to do?" James asked.

"Well, I can play the piano and the guitar? And I love singing, but I'm not so good at it though." I said looking at the ground.

"You can sing a duet with Brad if you want? Or do you want to play an instrument?" Connor asked.

"I can't perform good at pressure though.. If I play an instrument I think that I do every chord wrong." I said embarrased.

"Love it's okay. We can sing together! I'll help you. Just look in my eyes and everything's gonna be okay." Brad said and rubbed my back.

"Thank you." I smiled and I looked into his eyes.

"Guys? Should we pick a song?" Tristan said while grinning at us.

"Uhmm, yeah, what kind of song do you want to sing? We already wrote a few songs so if you like them you can pick one of them?" Brad said, still gazing in my eyes.

"Yeah, show me some songs." I said with a bit too much enthusiasm.

"Sorry." I said and blushed.

"It's okay love." Brad said and winked.

Oh my god, it is the second time he called me love. I think I'm falling for this boy.

They played a few songs, but one song just jumped out of all of them.

"I love all the songs, but High Hopes is definitely my favourite." I said.

"Should we continue tomorrow? Then we can practice at home and you can learn the lyrics." James said.

"Yeah is cool. Can you text me the lyrics?" I asked.

"Here, give me your phone, I'll put my number in it. Do you also want the rest?" James said and took my phone.

"Yes please." And he handed my phone back.

The bell rang and we had a break.

"Do you want to sit with us Ashlyn?" Brad asked.

"I'm gonna search for my friend and after that we can join you?" I asked back.

"Okay, see you in a bit." He said and walked to their table in the cafeteria.

As soon as they walked away I saw a figure standing in front of me.

"SHAYYYYY OH MY GOD HOW WAS IT!!" I yelled and gave her a hug.

"Woww, someone is happy? Yeah my day was great, I made some new friends and my classes are amazing. So.. Why are you so happy?" She grinned.

"Well....." I started.

"ASHLYN JUST TELL ME!" She yelled.

"Okay okay okay!!!! I met 4 guys and they're so handsome and so talented oh my god." I said and looked at the floor.

"Ashlyn Mcqueen are you serious? We are 2 hours apart from each other and now you already have 4 crushes. Well well, what happened to that shy little girl back from Devon?" She smirked.

"Shay shut up, let's go and meet them."

We walked to their table and Brad immediately made space for me to sit next to him.

I sat down and made more room for Shanaya.

"Guysss, this is Shanaya aka Shay aka one of my best friends."

"Hey Shay." They all said in usion.

Before we wanted to start a conversation I immediately saw how Connor was watching Shanaya. She looked back at him and they were both blushing. Shay Shay Shay, what did you yourself got into.


Hey oh my god,

I hope you all like it so far!

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Love you lots


The Sextape // Brad Simpson FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ