Chapter 10

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I woke up as I felt sun shine hit my back. I opened my eyes and saw someone's face so close to mine. Oh my teddy bear. But when did my teddy bear began to smell like Jungkook? And my handand legs wrapped around it and it's  arms were wrapped around me.
Wait... When did a teddy bear hugged me back? And was this big?


I scream from top of my lungs and pushed him off from bed.

Ouch... he said as he hit the floor.

It hurts. What was that for? He asked.

Tell me, we didn't do that right? I asked him.

What? He looked confused. Then realization hit him like a truck.
Are you nuts? You are still wearing what you were wearing and so do I. Where's your brain? He said and I sighed.

Then what am I doing here?  I raised my eyebrow at him.

You fell asleep yesterday. So I thought it would be better if I bring you to my house. He replied.

Last night's memories rushed to my mind. He was really nice. I think I should thank him. If he wasn't there I would have done something bad to myself. I don't think he is a bad guy. He's really sweet.

Thanks for yesterday Jungkook. Maybe we can be friends.

I told him feeling a bit shy.

He showed me his bunny smile and nodded.

Friends? he gave me his hand and I shook it.

Friends. I repeated.

You should go now or you'll be late to school.  He said.

Yeah, Then I'll get going now.
I walked near him.

Then I gave him a kiss on cheek and whispered to his ear.
"See you at school, friend"

Then I ran away from him,smiling to myself. I didn't know why I kissed his cheek, but I just felt like doing so.

I went to my room and started getting ready. Even though I was getting ready I couldn't get my mind off from Jungkook. The way I felt when he kissed  me last night at the party. I couldn't forget it. I touched my lips with my thumb recalling that memories. And I felt really safe in his arms. I wanted those moments to last forever. I felt my heart beat getting faster even by the thought of him.

I can't be in love, right? WTF am I thinking? I'm never gonna fall for him. But I'm glad to know that he has a good side too. Hopefully he won't do something bad that can ruin our friendship we just made.


Jungkook's POV

OMG! Did she just kiss my cheek? I said to myself while touching the place where she kissed me. I felt a burning sensation  there and I'm pretty sure that  I was blushing.
I looked at myself from the mirror.

For the first time in my life I saw a happy boy instead of a lonely,sad and bad boy. This happiness felt true. A happiness I can never buy with money. Y/N makes me happy for real.
I wanna know what's this feeling?

That's a feeling I have never felt before.


I know this is a short chapter. Sorry guys I'm really busy with school work. And I saw many mistakes in my book. So I'm gonna edit them before moving to the next chapter.Pls don't get mad at me....Here's a photo of Jungkook as a gift.

Here's a photo of Jungkook as a gift

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