"I'm sorry to interrupt," Link suddenly spoke up, scattering your thoughts. "It's been a long night. Would it be okay if I walked [Y/N] back to her room?"

Surprise appeared across your face as you turned to look at Link.

Sorry to interrupt?

Did the conversation move on to another topic?

Your [e/c] eyes wandered over towards Ashei. The black-haired girl met your curious gaze with a kind, apologetic one. She mouthed something to quick to you, which you managed to decipher as: don't worry, I'll tell you later. You gave her a quick nod as thanks.

"Ah yes, but of course." Gor Coron, one of the four elders, responded. His stature was smaller than the others, but he had a huge heart. With kind eyes, he softly spoke, "do rest well tonight, [Y/N]. I apologize for the trouble you went through."

"Oh, it's really okay!" You responded quickly, perhaps a little bit too fast. "I am tired, though. So..." Not really knowing how to finish your sentence off, you bowed your head in respect. "Thank you."

Link reached out and took hold of your hand with his. He tugged your hand effortlessly and guided you out of the room. As you departed, you could hear the last bit of the conversation fade into the background.

"It's getting late. Perhaps we should all retire for the night and resume our talk tomorrow. Yunobo, would you so quickly show Rowan to a spare room?"

"Of course! Please, follow me this way."

⋆✩✮✩ ━━━━━━✩✮✩⋆

The walk back to your cavern was quiet. The only sounds were the flickering flames of the torches that were mounted to the wall and the sounds of your footfalls.

What now?

What were you supposed to do now? How do you act around Link? After he's seen you partially naked? After he's kissed you?

"Goodnight, [Y/N]."

The sound of Link's calm, soothing voice drew you back to reality.

Glancing around quickly, you realized that you had arrived at your destination. The two of you were standing right outside the cavern-room that the Gorons had so generously prepared for you.

Tilting your head back, you could see the gentle expression across Link's face. His lips were curved upward into a small, kind smile. His blue eyes gazed at you with a tenderness, a fondness you've never seen before.

God, his eyes.

"Thank you..." You muttered quietly. "For coming to my rescue."

"You don't have to thank me." Link replied. He reached out toward you and gently brushed the back of his hand against your cheek. "I'll do anything for you, [Y/N]."

Your face immediately grew warm. Unable to maintain eye contact, you quickly looked away. Then with a huff and a pout, you returned your gaze with a glare. His sudden act of affection left you in a frenzy.

"Cut that out already."

Link's pupils dilated, indicating he was taken back by your words. One second, you were kind and sweet. You truly led him to believe that he was making progress in earning your forgiveness and love. Then the next, you were cold - your words cutting him deep. But Link would stand his ground. He had decided that he'd pursue you endlessly, relentlessly. Even if you continued to push him away, he'd keep on fighting for you. Somewhere, deep down, he knew that it would be all worth it. Everything would be worth it. You were worth it.

Eternity [Link x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now