Chapter Fourteen

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Skylars Pov

"Oh hey, hey wait up." I hear Jake yell from behind me.

I quickly turned around, and couldn't help but smile. "Yeah?" I asked when he finally reached me. "Im gonna go to the bathroom." I heard Adam mutter to me then quickly turn around and walk away.

Jake rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. Then quickly looking up and grinning, his hand dug into his pocket and he pulled out a tissue.

Oh god.. was there something on my face?

"I just wanted to thank you for the tickets, Gabriella really enjoyed it and stuff." He glanced at the floor sheepishly.

"Oh, and since that was your ticket and stuff, i kind of brought you her autograph. Cause, well you know since you had the tickets I'm assuming you like her and i know for a fact that if i had some tickets to watch a hot model just sit there wearing a dress i wouldn't really give it to someone and yeah.. Thank you..."

I couldn't help but be amused, and slightly flattered.

He held the tissue at his side, before he realized something. His eyebrows shot up and he had a cute embarrassed look on his face before almost yelling. "Oh here." He grinned again, holding the tissue out. I took it smiling at him.

"I know that most people get an autograph on a paper, but that was all i had." He scratched the back of his head.

I grinned, "Thanks." I glanced at the tissue and saw a number on it.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What?" He asked. I showed him the tissue, and he quickly grabbed it and threw it in the nearest trashcan. "Sorry... uhh wrong tissue?"

He wouldn't write his own number on a tissue and then put it in his pocket.

Thats someones elses number, I concluded.

I rolled my eyes and turned around suddenly angry.


Jakes POV

I quickly took a seat next to Tori.

I needed to give her the signature. "Hey-" i started but was cut off by our science teacher strolling in the room, a cup of coffee in her hands and a grin on her lips. "Morning Class!"

I rolled my eyes at her before turning towards Tori, Tori knowing i was going to talk to her looked around and put one finger to her lips, shushing me.

"We're going to present today! Be good." Tori whispered quietly.

"Oh i am good." I couldn't help but say, instinctively wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

Her face turned deep red and she lightly slapped my shoulder before looking back front.

"Alright class, I'm delaying your presentations to tomorrow-" Right on que, everyone cheered, and someone even told her 'I Love You'

I heard Tori snicker and i couldn't help but smile- "But today we're starting a new lesson." She continued, making everyone get quiet again and then that Ron kid said "I take that Back I don't love you anymore."

I stared at him, while Tori burst out into a fit of giggles. 

Since when was he in this class? Wasn't he a freshmen or something?

I raised one of my eyebrows at him, but it dropped once Tori slapped his arm playfully. I glared at him when he gave Tori a wink.

"What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you a freshman?" I glared. The kid looked at me, a nervous twink in his eyes. "He's a junior and he was moved up grade in science class. Why does it matter anyways?" Tori asked, deciding to speak for him.

What a wimp.

"It doesn't." I brushed it off. "Anyways.. here." I grabbed the tissue and threw it on her open book. Right on top of her writing.

Oddly enough.. the tissue fit the book perfectly.. almost like it was continuing the sentences in her book. Squinting my eyes, i realized that the cursive writing on her book matched the writing on the tissue exactly.

Before i had enough time to study this more carefully the cover of her purple book went flying shut, making a small 'thud' noise as it hit the other papers.

My eyes traveled up her torso to her eyes, that were looking straight ahead almost in panic. "Uh, thanks." She mumbled quickly.

I raised my eyebrows, "Well, isn't that-"

"Jake, please sit in the appropriate position in class. And shut your mouth, unless you have something to say to the class." The middle aged teacher said.

I rolled my eyes and rotated my body slightly to the left. She gave me a warning look before turning around and going back to writing notes on the board.

My eyes glanced to Tori's book without even realizing it, before i turned back to the teacher.



Unfortunately some other author has the same book idea as mine... and she had the book first.. so i need to change things up a little... But i realized the the longer it takes me to update the more readers i loose... and i just kind of hate it when i loose readers.. BUT IM WARNING YOU SOME CONTENTS IN THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE!!! ___

But as for right now.. i only changed one thing so far... ; Her parents do care for her.. they just travel a lot.. so don't get confused when one of her parents make a phone call..

And i promise you to all of the people who read her book and are reading mine.. i did not copy it, it was just a coincidence and the author of the other book has messaged me and some changes will acure on this book... and every time i do change one thing i will post a chapter, with an author note telling you what i changed!

Thank you, and i am so so sorry for all this confusing stuff...

Bye! :]

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