Chapter Seven

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Skylar's POV

I sighed in irritation as i opened the detention door, dreading the next hour or so.

I ignored Jake and his group of friends as i walked up the the teacher. I gave him the pink slip and smiled, he glared. "I hope you realize that this is taking from my free time, so grab a sheet of paper and write an essay about what not to do in a class room." He barked. 

Sheesh, thank god he doesn't teach me. I think his name was Mr.Stick or something like that. I nodded and sat down far far away from Jake's group.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil from my bag and started with my work. I glanced at Jake once, and saw the he nor his friends are doing the task. I frowned. But i minded my own business and started my work.

20 minutes later, Mr.Stick got up and walked to the door. "I'm going to be in the office printing some stuff, i'll be back in a minute and i don't want to hear a sound while I'm gone." He said, before opening the classroom door harshly and exiting.

A minute later Jake's voice was the only thing i could hear in the room. "So Nerd, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into? oh let me guess? you just covered up for a person and took the blame?" 

"No, I was late." i muttered.

His friends snickered, "Late? Again? aww are you turning to a bad girl now chica?" A blonde teased. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment. I glanced at him. He was tall and well built, he had lots of freckles, blue eyes and a straight nose. He looked hot. But not drop dead gorgeous like Jac--

"Who are you?" i asked curiously. "I always see you guys around but i never bother to ask someone about you're names. I only know the douchbags name-- oh wait never mind i don't care what you're names are. Now if you let me be, i want to finish my task. The one we're Suppose to be doing." I muttered.

"Woah i thought all nerds were polite and proper." Someone scoffed. I rolled my eyes, "And i thought all jerks were tough and muscular." I snapped back.

"Did you just call me weak?!" The same voice said, although laughter was evidence in his voice. I simply ignored and continued on laughing.

Suddenly the paper i was writing my essay on was snatched out of my hands. "What not to do in a classroom....." Jake held up my paper to my face and started reading it out loud.

I jumped out of my chair and reached out to grab it. "GIVE IT BACK!" I yelled. "You should respect the environment around you and blah blah blah--" He was cut of by the door opening, and he moved so fast i didn't even see him. He sat on the chair beside mines. 

"Tori can you please give me my pencil back? I'm not done with my essay" He said innocently, batting his eyelashes in a mocking way. 

 "Tori! Give Jake his pencil Back.  I do not tolerate inappropriate behavior in this classroom. Detention tomorrow." Hisses Mr.Stick. My jaw dropped. "But Mr.--" "No buts!" He yelled. I glared at Jake and he smirked up at me.

"Looks like I'm seeing you here tomorrow then, aye?" 

"You're dismissed." Said Mr.Stick. I Ignored Jake and grabbed my stuff stomping out the classroom.

"Jerk!" I muttered.

I tied my blonde hair into a tight bun and sighed in relief. I'm done for the day. I had 2 photo shoots today. I glanced at the clock.  8:49 pm.

I bit my lip, deciding wether i should go grab a bite or not.

Why the hell not? I shrugged my shoulders and walked upstairs. Picking out a casual outfit. 

(Outfit on side)

I walked out the house and sighed in relief. I love going out in my true self. With my blonde hair and all. It makes me feel so free and light.

I hopped in my yellow ferrari and drove off to Starbucks. 

Once i entered the smell of cinnamon and coffee slammed into my nose in an uncomfortable manner.

I hate cinnamon.

Shrugging it off i walked to he counter. Ignoring the stares and gapes of the other customers. Until one girls squealed and rushed over me. Which caused lots of people to follow after her. I sighed in annoyance quietly before i started taking pictures with other people. And signing my signature on weird places.

The place got crowded, and i got annoyed. But nonetheless kept my award winning smile on.

After i was done, i ordered a Mocha chocolate chip from the shaking cashier. After i payed i quickly exited and stayed in my car. I rested my head on the steering wheel. Shutting my eye's i sighed. I slipped my drink in the drink holder and continued on driving to nowhere in particular.

<(˘ u ˘)>         

Nerd? or a Model?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora