Chapter Ten*

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Its been a week and a few days since my last update, and i just want to apologize!! :c


Ehh, that one word that makes a student want to get run over by a truck yet want to jump with happiness since schools almost over.

  My moms pressuring me!!! D:   Anyways, i just wanna give you all a heads up cause next month, i'll be updating like crazy.. I finish school in June 2, but next month i'd be stuck with my family for a whole month..

Talk about fun....   :/

So, since i don't have anything to do. I'll be updating... probably every 2 days or something! :D I got 2 more final exams and cant wait for summer! :D 

So since this is the first 2 digit number chapter (In this book) I'm gonna make it longer than the previous chapters!! ;D

Skylars POV

I was walking down the hallway like a zombie.

Yesterday, i had two photo shoots. While Lila had one, in Canada. And since yesterday she was vomiting like crazy, saying she got a stomach flu from some Japanese food. Me, being the awesome friend i am filled in for her.

Actually i kind of feel guilty, because that one photo shoot was actually meant for me but i suggest that she took the role and the photographer agreed irritably. She was worrying about it, since she promised Vani she'd do it.

And I'm pretty sure the Photographer prayed for that to happen. He looked so happy and smug about the whole thing.

Anyways.. i woke up at 5 am, changed and went to Canada.

After my jet landed in Toronto, i immediately went to the place where the photo shoot was. Saying that i arrived to Toronto an hour late.

After the photo shoot, i went straight back to my jet and came back home.

An hour later i went to my actual photo shoot, that was meant for me.

I ended up going to sleep at 2 am.  Woke up at 6:45 to get ready for school. But even though i got 4 hours of sleep only.. i felt really guilty for not checking up on Lila. I only sent her a couple of texts between photo shoots and car rides asking how she's being.

I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, and called Lila.

I shut it instantly, after the first ring.

What am i doing?!? She must be still asleep! She needs to sleep. She's tiered. 

I decided to just send her a text.

Hey, Lila. How you holding up? Done throwing up..?? >:3  Anyways, i hope you're feeling better.. i know I'm not... Ashley's eying me like a frog eying a fly.... and you're so going to pay for leaving me all alone in this hell hole.... PS: Ill drop by after school... expect a warm soup from Starbucks :D

I click sent and sighed.. that was a long message..

I opened my locker, and grumbled some curse words when i realized i forgot my stuff in my car...

Who does that? I rolled my eyes at myself, and huffed angrily before walking back to my car to get my stuff.


I was walking to the library, where me and Lila usually eat lunch. But i guess its only me today. I held the bag filled with my food tighter in my arm when i heard a loud grunt.

 I stopped walking, and froze. What if it was some couple hooking up? I don't want to loose my appetite.. nor want to see some nude people humping each other.

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