Chapter Three

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Skylar's POV

I tossed my car key's at Amy and said "You can go just bring the car over tomorrow" i gave her a hug and she asked "are you sure?"

"Yeah" i replied nervously, i never got a detention and never planned on getting one. Is it as cruel as it is on t.v? Hopefully not. Cause if it is, I'm doomed. Stupid Ashley, i could put her at the end of the social ladder if i wanted to! Me being the top model for 3 years straight!! Not bragging or anything, just supporting my idea...

I guess Amy sensed my nervousness, "Don't worry, i got one before, you just sit there and do nothing" she reassured with a smile. I nodded relaxing a bit and said "yeah i know I'm just over reacting, later" she gave me a small wave and i walked away to the detention room, I glanced at the paper and sighed, room 102.

That room just happens to be Mr.Ian's. He's the fattest and most laziest teacher you'd ever meet. He once actually slept in class.

Once i reached the room i sighed in annoyance and opened the door silently, but well not silent enough i guess since the only people in the room, Jake's group of friends and the teacher, looked up.

Everyone looked surprised, even the teacher.. he wouldn't even take the note from me yet, he was just looking at me in disbelief.

I cleared my throat and that seemed to grab his attention, he snatched the note and stood up. "Take a seat, I'm going to the washroom, if i hear a sound, you'll have another detention." He walked out the room his belly fat jiggling.

I cringed at the sight and sat down as farthest from those Jerks-- well what i heard, is that their Jerk's. "The nerd actually got a detention?" a deep husky voice said, making chills run up my spine. I recognized him as Jake.

"I thought my mind was just playing tricks" Said another of his friends. "Hell, i thought the weed you gave me just started having effect" Said another, but what he said made my eyes widen and my head snapped up to the sound.

It was a Blondie, WEED? oh yea i forgot, How Typical of them. Bad boys. "Did you use the weed today?" i asked him with a raised eyebrow, One of his other friend's muttered a 'I thought she was mute' which made me roll my eyes.

The guy shook his head 'No' "Then you're just plain stupid, you cant have any affect's if you didn't smoke some in the past 14 hours" i stated.

His eyebrows shot up in a questioningly way but he shrugged it off, probably wondering how i knew. A book. I looked at the guy who thought i was mute, "If i was mute, wouldn't i have a small board with me where ever i go? or wouldn't i be using hand gestures? god, i knew you were dumb but not that dumb, shouldn't you be like smart or anything? Since you're like Typical bad boys or something? and need a little information about body language to lie to the cops or something?" i asked annoyance and frustration clear in my voice.

One opened his mouth to talk but i said, "Wait, don't answer, you think from your dicks, that explains a lot, and the teacher said to shut up so......... shut up" i told them the end politely.

Amusement flickered through Jake's eyes and he grabbed his seat dragging it toward's me. He flipped it so the back was faced at me and sat like that. He put both of his arms on the back and just sat there.

"so, what brings the nerd to detention?" he asked amused, as if a hunter interrogating his prey before killing it.

"The 'NERD' Has a name and she insists you to use it!" i snapped. "and i was late" i muttered. Amusement flickered through his eyes. Why is this amusing?? oh wait, it's not.

I really don't wanna get a detention when the teacher's back. "So, what's you're name?" He asked casually, really? i'm in like almost all his classes. Idiot.

"Its Tori" i said rolling my eyes. "Look, I'd love to chat and all, but i don't want to get another detention from the teacher" i said the first part sarcastically.

"He never get's back from the washroom Tori He just uses that excuse to leave" He said while lighting a cigarette. I looked at him with pure horror, and he raised an eyebrow.

I snatched the cigarette and stepped on it, picking it up and throwing it into the trash beside me. "Lung Cancer" i scolded, like a mother.

He rolled his eyes and shrugged, taking another death stick from the cancer packet. I quickly took it away and threw it in the garbage before he even got the chance to light it. He sighs and slips back the packet into his pocket.

Suddenly my phone rang blaring 'what does the fox say?' i heard Jake chuckle. I didn't even spare him a glance.

"Hello?" i said, not bothering checking the I.d

"Where are you?" Vani's rushed voice said. I quirk and eyebrow.

"Uhm, im at school--" she cut me of.

"School ended 30 minutes ago!" she said

"detention" i simply replied.

"Well, you need to get here fast, there is an emergency photo shoot. i thought you were here so i already accepted so get the heck out of that hell whole"

"i cant, i'll get another deten--"

"You're fault, tell someone to cover up for you, you better be out in 10, im on my way" she said and hug up.

TSK, rude.

Then my eye's widened and i bolted up, making my hand smack with Jake's Chin. He groaned and rubbed his chin while glaring at me.

"Can you cover up for me if Mr.Ian comes back?" i asked silently praying he'd say yes, while slinging my school back on my shoulder.

"Not only does the nerd get a detention but she also ditches" his voice was amused mixed with shock. I waited impatiently for my answer. "No." he simply said with a tiny smirk.

"Please i'll--" he cut me off by saying, "You have to get on you're knee's and beg, plus you're gonna have to clean my room, Oh AND, your gonna have to do my english essay."

My jaw dropped, that Jerk. Ugh! But i have too! I started cursing him under my breath, making sure he hears.

I looked at him square in his eyes and spat "your a jerk, ya know?!" I then got on my knees and he was smirking. "You know, lots of girls would die to have this position with me" he said. My eyes widened at what he said, i heard his friends roar with laughter, but i chose to ignore his snarky comment.

"Can you please cover me up, if the teacher comes in?" i beg sweetly. He pursed his lips together and put his index finger on his chin, tapping it slightly, his eyes wandered up to the celling, like he was thinking. Then he said "Nah" casually. "Bu--"        "beg"

I sigh and begged, "can you please please please please cover up for me, when the teacher comes?" he shook his head and i gave him an annoyed look. Fine.

I took a deep breath and let it out as a big sigh. I locked my finger's together and raised them, so they were under my chin by a few inches.

"Oh, please You, Amazing Sex god, I feel ashamed to ask such a geek god a big favor but please, oh please could you cover me up if the teacher come's in while im not here?" I said in an orphan/british like voice, making my voice light just for the dramatic effect. He smirks and nods. I rolled my eyes, and walked out the class.

I walked a few blocks away from the school, and spotted my limo, i quickly jumped in and Vani ordered to take my 'disguise' off, which i gladly did.

I glanced at my cloths and sighed. I was wearing baggy cloths... im so not going into the studio like that. Thank heavens i wore black baggy pants, and a white baggy long-sleeved shirt, instead of something else.

I think Vani sensed what im gonna do, and she gave me her pocket knife. Which i have no idea why she always has, she's a women. But oh well, im thankful. I cut the sleeves off my shirt and made it into a crop top, so my stomach showed.

By the way, it's hart to cut something whit a knife in a moving car. I cut my baggy pants into a short skirt.  Focusing on cutting the pants and not my skin, i cursed myself for almost cutting my finger off.

After i was done, I held up my skirt, and yes i was only in my undergarments now, but do i care? everyone saw me wearing them. I model in those.

I straightened the end, so it doesn't have sharp and uneven edges, and trust me, that was hard to do since im in a moving car.

I put them on and took off my socks and shoes. I traded my shoes with Vani's. What teenager would show up to a photo shoot, wearing granny shoes? "This was my favorite shirt........." i whined. She smirked and shrugged, then handed me some makeup remover. Oh right, my 'pimples'

I quickly washed the fake pimples away. "Hey Vani, do you have a thin scrunchie?" i asked, she nodded and handed me one from her bag.

I tied my hair into a pony tail and smiled at my art work.

I looked like a normal girl, wearing a white crop top and a short black skirt from forever 21. I gave Vani a smug smile.

She rolled her eyes, and glanced at my plan book. Once the car stopped, she literally dragged me out of the limo.

Troy and Roy were already there, pushing the paparazzi's out of the way-- well, more like shoving. I walked inside the photography studio.

"Skyar! Skylar!! It's lovely to see you again darling!" Greeted Mike, with his grin wide stretched across his face. Mike has brown hair, green eyes and he had a little belly, He's about 5'4. He's Handsome, Yes. But he's not my type. Besides, he's gay.

"Hey Mike." I greeted casually.

"Thank you for coming in such a short notice! Now Hyleigh is going to show you you're cloths!! CHOP CHOP!! We don't need to waste anymore time!!" He rushed.

I sighed and followed the Blondie that Mike pointed to. She's probably This Hyleigh girl.

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