Chapter Five

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Skylar's POV

Holding my breath, i picked up the last piece of clothing on the floor. 

Which just happens to be his boxers. Yeah, i didn't blush at all......

Throwing it in the laundry basket, i did a small victory dance. Forgetting that Jake was seated on his chair, with his phone and was watching me with amusement.

My excitement quickly disappeared once i was looking back at the room. Okay Tori, look at the bright side; You can see the floor now.

"Can i have a big trash bag place?" I muttered, glancing back at him then back to his room before quickly adding "Oh and gloves."

He laughed.  

That bastard.

Turning around, i glared at him. "Now." I commanded. Making his laughter quickly stop, he stood up and fast walked to the door. And i swear on my modeling career that i heard him mutter a "I never thought you could be this scary."

After a few minuted, he came back with the items i asked for. I glared at him and snatched them from his  hands. He looked at me with amusement and went back to his chair, grabbing his phone.

He's probably looking up porno. 

After 45-50 minutes, of picking up trash that i have no idea what it is nor i want to know what. I finally finished. I smiled, and stood up from my spot on the floor. I tied the top of the trash bag while i was walking towards Jake, Only to slip on something. I buttheaded Jake as i fell on top of him, making us both fall to the ground with the chair. Jake instinctively grabbed the first thing he saw to try and balance us, which was the posters of half naked women. It ripped to shreds as Jake's back smacked to the ground. His Phone rolled away and our heads smacked each other again when we reached the ground.

We groaned in union and clutched our heads. "The fuck?" He muttered. My head spun for a few minutes, before finally coming to a stop. I opened my eye's, that were shut tightly together, and Jake's adorable face came to view. His eye's were shut tightly, his nose was scrunched up making him even cuter and his left hand clutched his forehead while his right was wrapped securely on my waist--

Wait, rewind for a second. Did i just call this monster cute?

Okay yeah I'm slow, but what do you except? my head was spinning a few seconds ago--.

I cleared my throat and quickly got up. "Erm.. sorry." I muttered embarrassed. He opened his eye's in disbelief "Jeez women, how much do you weight?"

My jaw dropped, as i stood there gaping at him. "Did you just call me fat?" I asked as calmly as possible, which wasn't so calm.

He simply ignored me, "Jake Fucking Collins. Did. You. Just. Call. Me. Fat?" i hissed. His head snapped towards me, as his eye's widened. "I-I-I Me? Psh No. Why? Who said that? i'll kick his ass. Pshh who the hell would think you're fat? You're like this shredded model--" His nervous rant was cut of when he saw the paper shreds of his poster.

His eye's bugged out, as he laid on the floor one of his elbows holding his weight. His mouth dropped  in horror. He crawled towards the pieces of paper, before a horrifying shriek-ish escaped his mouth "No. No. No. No. Please. Fuck. FUCK! FUCK ME!!! SHIT!!" He started cursing. I clicked my tongue, "TSK, where are you're manners Jake?" I asked teasingly, as a smirk found its way to my lips.

He looked at me, his disbelief, shock and horror quickly changing to anger as he stood up. "THOSE WE'RE SO FUCKING HOT! DID YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET ACTUALLY HOT ONES THESE DAYS?!?! HUH?!?! AND LOOK AT THIS!!" He said while pointing to the poster i was wearing the naughty bunny. "DID YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO STEAL IT FROM MY SISTER? HUH? SHE'S SO FUCKING HOT! YOU SO ARE GONNA GET ME SOME OF THIS BLONDE!" He yelled, while walking up to me.

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