Chapter One

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Skylar's POV

I walked out the door and Flashing light's were blinding me! I pulled down my sunglasses, even though it doesn't help a lot... it eases the pain when you look at the floor, so that's exactly what i did, i looked at the floor and speed walked.

"Skylar! over here!!"  "Skylar is it true your engaged?"  "SKYLAR! OVER HERE!" "SMILE!" "SKYLAR!!"    "Skylar! are you really depressed?"  "SKYLAR!! SKYLAR! POSE FOR US!!" "NO, NO! POSE FOR US! OVER HERE!!"    "SKYLAR! IS IT TRUE YOU'RE TRYING TO ROB A BANK?"  "SKYALR!" the paparazzi kept screaming random questions!! "Skylar! ARE YOU PREGNANT?" that made me stop.

I turned around with a raised eyebrow, My body guard's were trying to get me to move but i ignored them, "do i look pregnant to you?" i asked annoyed. He shook his head 'No' then i gave him a 'duh' look.

My body guard's Troy and Roy pulled me to the car. Did i mention their twins? ADORABLE! I love twins! but their filled with muscle, tattoos and their scary, to other people.. Their actually really friendly.

My driver sped off trying to avoid the crazy paparazzi that were everywhere. I just finished an interview, in London and i cant wait to go back to California, were I'm known as Tori William's. 

"Here i got you a coffee" said Vani, my manager while handing me my coffee. I gave her a big toothy grin. Vani was more like my mother and best friend, than my manager. Since my parent's always travel around the world for their jobs, she take's the mother role. She's also really pretty for a 30 year old women, She has Blonde hair, straight teeth, pinkish lips and she has the prettiest gray eyes, Sometimes they look like blue too.

Both my parents are educated Doctors, Nina Blue and Harold Blue. For some odd reason both my parents decided to be some really smart people and went to collage for something really really complicated. Very few people know this complicated thing.. so my parents travel a lot and "Save other peoples lives". I started chatting with Vani about my other photo shoots, tottaly used to the way my parents work. I was nursing my coffee while looking out the window.

Thank god I'm in Cali for at least 2 weeks or even more. My head was on Troy's Lap while my leg's were on Roy's. Troy was playing with my hair, while Roy was doing something random with my shoes, i think tracing it? I couldn't help but chuckle at him. Both of them are also close to me, they've been my body guard's from the start. And hopefully to the end.

Suddenly my phone rang, blasting the same defualt ringtone every iphone has. Making Roy jump from the sudden Noise. I ccouldnt help but let out a chuckle, his expresion was priceless. "Hey Lila" I said for some reason kind of breathless.

"Hey Chica--!.....woah wait, you sound breathless..." There was a small pause on the line before Lila's loud voice continues "TSK TSK Tori, are you doing something your not suppose too?" she Joked. I chuckled, Lila was my best friend ever! I've known her from when i was 7, and she's gorgeous! she has black hair, blue eyes, and pink lips. After i got a job, i showed Vani, Lila and then she got a job as a model too.. which is absolouty awesome. Every girl wants her bestfriend to work at the same place as her. And the same job too, so someone would undertsand when you complain.

"No!     i just finished an interview i didn't have time for that.. plus I'm heading to the airport now, Whats up?" i asked casually, sipping my coffee.

"I saw you're interview, beautiful, as always." she complimented in a british accent, Which came out almost country. I laughed at her fail attempt. A small smile staying on my lips, i remmembered when we were kids and always tried to make funny accents.

"That was horrible, and thanks, by the way did you hear about Robin Raw?" I asked, my voice getting  a little gossipy at the last sentence. In the corner of my eye i saw Vani roll her eyes. I looked at her and stuck my tongue out.

"YEAH! oh my god how could he do that to her?" She said also in her gossipy voice. We kept on talking till i had to get out of the car and into the jet.

After everyone was in the jet and their bags with them, i sunk down on the comfy chair. I wish Lila was here with me then she could tell me what i missed out on.

I know what your thinking, models? Gossipy sluts! 

But no actually, Me and Lila only Gossip to each other.. we fill one of us out if they have no idea what's going on, and sluts? Sure we're no virgins.. but we only do the 'Deed' with someone we love, or like.. Like our Ex's.. unless theres this geek god whos offering....

Anyways... let's not talk about that... Let's talk about what actually happens in my life... to be honest.. I'm 50% normal.

I go to the mall, grocery shop, school, park etc. as Tori Williams.   Yep, since my parent's are never home i do all the work at the house... well thats a lie.. Vani helps...

Speaking of the devil, she just came up to me and threw my black eastpack bag on my lap, turned around and walked away without a word.

A sigh left my lips as i understand what i was ordered to do.


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