Chapter Six

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Skylar's POV

I walked into the school feeling exhausted. The paparazzi yesterday were insane. I did get used to it, but seriously, their yells are too loud. I barley slept yesterday!!

I walked to my locker, Amy by my side. A head ache was already forming in my head by the giggling girls, the chatting friends, and of corse the sounds of the jocks yelling from the end of the hallway and throwing the footballs all over the place.

I opened my locker, as Amy walked over to hers murmuring a small "Later." I started getting out the things i need today, and neatly putting them on top the one shelf they gave everyone. I closed the locker door and nearly screamed when i saw a brown haired boy leaning on the locker next to mine.

His eye's turned to very amused ones, once he heard the embarrassing squeak that escaped my lips. "What do you want Jake?" i asked, annoyed.

"Well nerd, I want my essay. What else would i be here for?"

"What else would i be here for?" I mocked, in a deep voice and purposely making sure i looked dumb. He glared at me, as i opened my locker again and dug into my bag. I started searching for the paper, and sighed in relief when i found it.

I read his name three times to make sure it was his, before handing him his paper. "So, I'm gonna get an A on this right?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and slammed my locker shut. "Woah, easy there nerd. Don't wanna break you're locker door now do you? Again, full of surprises i thought you needed help on closing you're locker, now answer my question."

I glared at him, but it quickly turned to a smirk. "I don't know, let's just hope you get higher than a D-"

His eye's widened, and he glared at me. "If i get lower than a B, you're so going to pay for it." He growled, while pushing himself away from my locker and walking away.

His group of friend's walking behind him, blocking his figure from my eyes.

"You're so going to pay for it." I mocked.

I heard a chuckle from beside me, making goosebumps arise on my body. What's up with people scaring me today?

I turned around and glared at amy. She rolled her eye's but said "C'mon let's go to class."

"So... Vani told me about you're public interview next week." Amy said, while we we're walking to our last class, Math.

"Yeah, you coming?" i asked, while speed walking. I didn't want to get another detention from the same teacher, by being late again.

Amy nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but Ashley was quick to cut her off by pushing me to the ground.

"Hey nerds." She laughed. Which sounded like a hyena might i add.

"Yeah, Hey NERDS!" Copied Niki, while laughing. Ashley sent her a glare, and Niki mumbled a small 'Sorry'

Ashley grabbed my notebook, and i sent Amy a look telling her to go to class. She nodded while sending me an apologetic smile, before turning around and walking away.

When the hallway was empty, Ashley smirked at me. "So--" She was cut off by the late bell ringing.

"Ashley.." Tiffany trailed off, stomping her foot. "I DON'T WANNA BE LATE! IM SO NOT IN THE MOOD FOR A DETENTION!!!!" she yelled, her voice echoing through out the hallway.

Ashley rolled her eyes, and threw my heavy book on my head, making me wince. I was still on the floor so i quickly grabbed it and brought it to my chest.

"Dont worry Nerd, I'll see you later." Ashley snapped, and walked away. Tiffany and Niki following behind her.

I waited till they we're out of my sight, and dashed to my math class.

"TSK TSK. Late, nerd?" I heard a voice ask. I turned my head to the manly voice and glared. There stood Jake and his friend's leaning on the wall.

I ignored him and continued my way to math class. "You should start galloping horsie. Don't wanna be 5 minutes late aye?"

I glared at the floor and speed walked to my math class.

I sighed, and opened the class door.

Mr. Grey looked at me annoyed, "Late again, Ms. Williams?" I nodded shamefully and opened my mouth to make up an excuse, but was quickly cut of by a "I don't want to hear it."

He wrote something on a piece of paper, and handed it to me. A sigh escaped my lips as i took the pink slip of paper he gave me.

Second detention in a week.

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