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During the day I thought that Karla looked stunning, everything was so tropical about this wedding, I was with Wade at the wedding, Brie and Daniel were together, Nikki and John, Katie and Amelia came as friends and the rest of the Total Divas came as friends also, it's probably only myself, Karla and Paige who actually get along with Summer.
Thought out this whole entire time I've been here I witness complaints about Summer by Nattie, Brie and Nikki and everyone else really.
Summer: "Kat you look amazing, I'm so happy for you & Josh"
Karla: "Thanks Summer, you don't look so bad yourself"
And Can you believe this? Thoughout the night there was not a peep out of anyone, everyone had a good time, there was no blood baths or drama between anyone and that is good enough for Kat and the Garcia-Colace family and of course Josh's family also.
Eva: "Aw this is such a good day and night, I hope things go well for them both, they are married now"
Me: "Kat has really helped me out with everything, I wish her nothing but the best now"
Eva: "I wish her the best too now"
Things are starting to go really well but I hope nothing serious happens to me in the future, I hope Alicia is over Wade by then.
Whatever it is, it doesn't matter it's Kat's and Josh's day and they enjoyed themselves and I remember the days when Karla was single and now I'm here witnessing such a beautiful day for her, The stars light up and everyone seemed pleased for a change, Kat has been bridezilla for quite sometime but the stress for her was worth it and I'm happy for her. 

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