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*Eva's P.O.V*
It's been 2 Years and 5 Months since I last set my eyes on my sister Emily, My Parents are still mad about her walking away from them because of the situation and they blame it on me now.
Barry (Dad): "Ok Natalie do you know why Emily hasn't seen us for 2 years and 5 months?"
Me: "No I don't know, besides she choose to walk away"
Josie (Mother): "Well there must be some reason on why she cut herself off from the family"
Me: "Apparently she slept with Jonathan"
Jonathan (Eva's Husband): "She didn't sleep with me"
Me: "Stop denying it, of course she did, everyone is saying she slept with you, you are only denying it to protect her"
Jonathan: "I'm defending her because she didn't do it, your acting like I caused a big scene, I love you Natalie, I can't speak for Emily but I love you, I'm your Husband and I will never hurt you in anyway, I think you should cut your sister some slack, I'm sick of fighting this battle"
Me: "Look, I don't ever want to hear Emily's name mentioned again, she caused this argument to begin with"
Barry: "But your not our only Daughter Natalie, Emily is your sister at the end of the day, Jonathan is right"
Me: "Fine! I will arrange a meet with her and if this doesn't work well, I'm not seeing her ever, you can do what you want but I'm not interested, I don't care about her now and I never will!"
Now they are defending her, they are suppose to be on my side here, she doesn't have to be here and she still caused a massive argument, she choose to walk out of our lives, that was her choice not mine.
I never told her to stay away from the family such as Mom and Dad but I only told her to stay away from me and my husband but what does she go and do? Stay away from everyone so this argument is only worse because of her, this is not my fault!
I know she is working on NXT and she hangs out with her own little group now but I've got to get her on her own so we can talk, I don't even think I've got her number anymore, I'm making the effort to see her so I'm the better person, that's the way I see it.
She thinks staying away from the situation will help the way things are now but if she comes back it will only get worse, she's acting like I told her to stay away from everyone and that's not what I said, then again everyone around me are only sticking up for her because they feel sorry for her, she's always been my parents Favorite daughter since the start.
I just never realised it, we were close as kids and now she is cutting everyone out of her life  for the sake of it.

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