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2 Days later.....
Now I'm worrying, I just accepted a match to Eva where if I lose to that, I've gotta be her bitch, now I'm worried, I can't lose to her.
Me: "Oh I hope I don't lose next week"
Katie: "Well I don't know it's 2 and 0 for you, you kicked her ass twice so why are you worrying?"
Me: "I don't want to be over confident Incase I lose, I can't be a bitch to that, I would be so terrible"
Katie: "Look that girl can't wrestle, she does't even deserve to be in the ring, you are so better than her, she lost to you twice, you are better than her, You'll beat her ass any day of the week so don't worry about it"
Me: "Ok, I'll try"
I try my hardest to keep calm about it, She is probably training her hardest but I know I can do better because anything Eva Marie can do, I can do better, there's defiantly no ifs or buts about that what so ever.
Katie: "I hope your still not worrying about that"
Me: "I'm not good night"
Katie: "Good night Emily"

*Katie's P.O.V*
Man, what can I do with her? The girl's confidence is so low, I don't think Emily would last 5 minutes as a slave to Eva, Emily will never forgive her for what she's done to her which is why I want Eva to lose and become Em's bitch for a change and hopefully this will change Eva's attitude towards her, maybe not but we will see.
(Me on the phone texting Karla)
Me: "What should we do, she's losing her confidence although she kicked her own sister's ass twice"
Karla: "Why is she worrying? She won't lose"
Me: "That's what I said but if Em loses she won't last 5 minutes as Eva's maid, she's beat her down, she had a major breakdown just then"
Karla: "This could make Eva feel bad about what she's done over the years"
Me: "God I hope so, they are sisters, I've never seen a worser sibling rivalry in my life"
Karla: "My sisters do fight sometimes and I fight with them also but not as bad as that"
Me: "True"
When I finished talking to Karla via text I realised that nothing will resolve the situation, nothing will fix this rivalry, Eva choose strangers over her own sister, Jonathan might be happy to take that stick but Emily is not taking it, I don't blame her I wouldn't have it either, Eva needs to wake up and smell the coffee, that girl is out of order.

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