11. Criteria of being black

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YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND BUT I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS. As a light skin (black but of a lighter shade) woman I have come across some hating people within my race. I'm not trying to be insensitive but I feel like lighter women who are pro-black keep being questioned on their blackness. It's not cool, as black people I believe we should unite. There shouldn't be a dark skin woman deciding who makes the criteria of being black.

But don't get me wrong I understand why black people do this. It is because some people who have black in them decide whenever it suits them that they are black but don't want to experience our blues. I get that but when there are people who are mixed with black or definitely has black heritage you cannot allow them to feel like they are not accepted or black.

When have we started to police blackness? I'm just so confused and I've been seeing videos around YouTube about this mixed girl claims that she's black and this one doesn't. But I feel like if they are half black and half non-black they have every right to accept and identify as one or the other depending on their culture.

As black people we are very quick to say 'he/she is black' we want to identify people which is okay but it's exhausting for the person on the other side. A mixed heritage person should not feel neglected from neither of their sides but should be accepted by both.

I understand where they are coming from but I don't find it acceptable when black people are trying to decide who's black when the person knows that they are, identifies and they understand the struggle.

I just don't think it's right. And I don't think we should press our insecurities on people because of their heritage when they have no control of being mixed.

I've realised that while we are blickering about who's black and who's not everyone else has already decided that these people are black 🤣and the funny part is that we are neglecting them but they have already been placed into that box of being black.

I think we should stop judging and look at that person actions. If they say they are black to say the n word or do something that only 'black' people can do then question them.

Just don't put a criteria of what it means to be black.

This applies to the black people that also don't do or know *black stuff like rap, hip hop, jazz, rnb, eat cultural black foods or dance (whine/twerking). It doesn't make them white, they are still black.

That's the end of my Black Characters Talk. Thank you.

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