8. Carefree black people

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I LOVE CAREFREE BLACK MEN AND WOMEN. It's so good to see that because it shows the younger generation that they don't have to worry about being a stereotype or joining some gang to feel "black". As Tyler the creator said, "dye your hair blue, shit I'll do it too." I really love the album, anyway.

It's so good to just enjoy yourself and just enjoy that you're different. For children when they start maturing and finishing themselves they stop copying people and standing up for themselves and I love it.

Also I love the growing black female rap artists, they've exist but recently I've come across black women going in on the rapping and I love it, it's so good. Here's some artists;

Asian Doll - Itty Bitty Bitches

Killumanti - Undercover Pressure

So when you're creating black characters, don't limit them please, let them just enjoy life and develop as characters thank you x.

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