64. A mission for the HA

Start from the beginning

"Severus, you have not changed since you were at school."
Harry looked questioningly at his tutor. She answered immediately.
"You know, Harry, a hobby of Severus and Lily in their school days was conjuring animals from dead objects. However, not normal, it was always a mix of chimeras and Wolpertinger. The two were crazy about these guys. "
Harry looked at his husband in surprise. Remus and Sirius also opened their eyes. Hagrid chuckled happily.
"I remember when they were in second grade. At that time I had some Wolpertinger and they have just got offspring. Lily has been teasing me until I give each of them one. "
"True, I had to give mine to Lily during the holidays, because otherwise my father would have been hit."
"What has become of him?"
Severus looked into Harry's big eyes.
"When I started working as a spy, I thought it was too dangerous for the kid near me. Besides, the Slytherins knew that I raised him with Lily. That's why I gave it back to Hagrid. "
Harry's eyes became sad. the half-giant tried to console his favorite student.
"Do not worry, he was fine with me. And Severus, do you really think I do not know that you secretly visited your 'hopping egg'? "
Remus snorted loudly. And Sirius bounced beneath the table.
severus glared at Hagrid before returning to his meal.

After eating, Harry's HA coin started to vibrate. Quickly he brought it out and read.
, Page 15, all. Hermione. '
Immediately, Harry rummaged his new rattle and opened the page.
In the whole hall you could see students. who were like him.
Severus bent curiously to his husband and the other teachers got long necks.

Hermione: Hey guys, I think. we should put together a plan despite Prof. Snape's warning. how best to protect Harry.
Everyone looked at the brunette girl.
Harry, however, took out his screeching utensils.

Harry: Let me guess. You have already worked out a plan.
Hermione: Yes. in history.
Ron: Hermione and that of you.
Hermione: Oh, shut up.
harry: Before you get a haircut here in writing. Hermione, what's the plan?
Hermione: I've mapped your timetable on S 14. Now we can decide who has time to accompany you when. and Harry, you know that it has nothing to do with the fact that we do not trust you to take care of yourself.
Harry: After this morning I would never have got the idea.

Severus had watched the whole thing fascinated. Like everyone else at the teacher's desk.
now he picked up the quill himself, which he quickly stole from Harry, and wrote:
Snape: I think that's a very good idea. But where the hell did you get Harry's schedule, Ms. Granger?
Hermione: Quite simply, except for arithmetic, he has the same as me. and yes, I will always be near him. But after what we have experienced so far, I am no protection on my own.
Mimmy: I'll be there wherever I have the same hours as Harry. These are potions, magical creatures and history.

while Millicent wrote, Malfoy tried to sneak up on Slytherin HA to read along. Big mistake. Puck conjured a shield against the Malfoy heir, who landed with a loud cry on his aristocratic butt.
Again loud laughter followed.
"Hello, private correspondence," came from Mimmy.
Fred: Well continue in the text. Who takes over when?

Over the next ten minutes, dozens of suggestions were made, discarded and given new advice. But then they had a plan that really showed professionalism.
Luna: Hey, you know what? this is the first official mission of the HA.
Ginny: That's right, now that you say it.
Harry: Great, and I'm the 'target' of the mission.
George: Not quite, the goal is to protect you. Oh, Professor, what can we do with those who enchant our brother?
severus thought for a moment before reaching for the pen.
Snape: The same thing Molly allowed you to do with your siblings during the holidays.
Ron: Luckily I'm not the target again.
Ginny: I just wanted to say that. Oh, Harry, thanks for the warning. Professor McGonagall told us Dad could only be saved by you.
Harry looked at his teacher, then at the Gryffindor table, and then blushed. He quickly decided to change the subject, especially because some people found it so cute again.
Harry: Oh George, can you come to the next class?
George: It's not my 'service', but it does. Why?
Harry: Service, very funny. Quite simply, I think I can remove this nice decoration.
With that, he pointed visibly to his left arm. and everyone could see that he was immaculate.
Now the HA members skipped over. Of course, everyone wanted Harry to remove the scars from him. There it was again to intervene Severus.
Snape: Slow down now. Harry first has to see if his powers are enough to free one of you from the curse, so try Mr. Weasley first. If it works, he will take care of the others as well. However, only in my presence and on the infirmary. Is that clear
collective nodding was the answer.
That concluded the conference.

"Tell me, puppy, how did you get the idea to communicate with each other?"
Harry looked at Remus then guiltily at Severus.
The latter was already on alert again.
"Well, to be honest, I came up with the idea because of Riddle."
Now Dumbledore choked on his drop.
"Please," he croaked.
"The diary. When Ginny and I wrote it in, only the memory of Tom answered, but the principle is the same. we simply searched for such a charm at our meetings. And, lo and behold, found. To be precise, it was originally the idea of ​​some former students, I believe in their school days, director. The spell should help cheat. We used it differently. "
"I like to repeat myself, I'm glad these kids are on our side."
The others nodded.
"And you have not even seen us fight."
With that, the boy grabbed his school bag and set off for class with Fawkes and Hedwig.
leaving a bunch of dizzy adults behind did not bother him at all.

Ron, Hermione, Luna, George and some more HAs were waiting in front of the big hall.
George was already jiggling nervously the whole time.
"Okay, before George goes crazy, we should look for an empty classroom."
Everyone agreed with Harry and so they set out to search.

Meanwhile, Luna pulled her brother aside.
"Tell me, brother, do you want to go over Mummy's notes with me this weekend, after Hogsmeade? I think I found another book that she can not publish anymore. "
"Definitely. Shall we do that in the group? "
"No, I would like to have you again for me alone."
"So without Fred?"
"Yes, he has to continue with George in his research anyway. Supposedly, they have some new ideas. Dimi is supposed to help them. I do not know why, but Fred said it will be a surprise for our next meeting. "
"Okay, then we'll just meet on Saturday in Severus and my apartment. He also has to make the potion that removes and preserves the magic powers. "

"Hey, you two, we're here. and Professor Flitwick is nowhere to be seen. So come. "
Harry could only grin at Georges eagerness. But he understood him too.
"Good, then give me your hand. However, I have no idea what I have to do, I just woke up today without the scar. so do not expect any miracles. "
"Hey, I'm glad you're even trying. Here."
Harry took his friend's arm and just brushed off the sentence. However, he already felt something. As he concentrated more, he realized that it had to be the poison of the spring.
without thinking much, he closed both hands around the wound.
"Wow," came Hermione.
Harry's hands emitted a white glow that completely encircled Georges wrist.
After a few moments, the whole thing was over. And indeed, the scar was gone.
"That's great! thanks, kid. I hope it was not too exhausting? "
"Not at all. Tell everyone to come to the infirmary after dinner today. Poppy wants to see me anyway, then we can do it all at once. "
George nodded and said goodbye to the others.
"I hope Professor Snape does not get a fit when he sees the whole pack. You read what he wrote. "
"Do not worry, Ron, we're already at Poppy's and he can stop for enough. and now it's time to start teaching. "
Immediately everyone sat down and pretended that nothing had happened.
Harry, however, was looking forward to tonight, when he could rid everyone of the unpleasant memories of Umbridge.

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