"What do you want to do today?" He asked me, I shrugged my shoulders placing a forkful of eggs in my mouth.

"Oh, reminds me I need to go see Bea she wants to take me baby shopping." I said, Antoine nodded his head muttering how he'd stay with Koke then.


"I don't understand why my nipples are going to brutally murdered." I whined as I walked around the baby store with Bea, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay well stop complaining, it's the miracle of life!" She beamed, I only further groaned as we reached the bottles section.

"Listen Lia, I brought you out cos I needed to talk to you as well." My head shot up and I placed the bottles I had in my hand back down, something inside me knew this wasn't going to be good and I could only assume what it was.

My mind started going at a hundred miles per hour thinking every single possibility of what she could possibly want to say. I instantly thought it must be about Antoine and she's going to say something and everything is going to come crashing down once again. She placed her hand on my shoulder allowing me to relax my nervous body.

"Relax, it's not about Antoine." She said, a weight was suddenly lifted off my chest and I felt like I could breathe again.

"Okay go on." I spoke softly waiting to see what she would say.

"Fernando come over the day and I had thought he was looking for Koke but instead he was looking for me." She started, I raised an eyebrow bewildered with where this was going.

"I sat down with him and he started saying how he trusts me not to say anything to you but I just can't hold it in anymore,"

"Amelia, he started rambling on about how he doesn't know what to do with himself anymore because he's so fucking in love with you, I looked him straight in the eyes and I couldn't help the notice the pain when he spoke so deeply about you,"

I was slightly taken aback by what I was hearing, I placed my hand on the railing where the bottles were neatly stacked to some sort of support.

"He started telling me he wants to be with you so badly it's driving him crazy and how you don't deserve Antoine because all he does is hurt you, Amelia I swear I didn't even know what to say to him when he told me all this—" She paused for a second as though she was racking her brain for more, "I had to stop him from trying to come to your doorstep with his profound love, and I reminded him how you're with Antoine and pregnant mind you."

"I-I d-don't even know what to say." I stuttered, my throat suddenly felt dry and the air was once again starting to get cut off.

"I mean you don't love him do you?" She asked me, no answer. She looked at me eyes widened, still, no answer.

"Amelia don't!" She shouted, "What? Don't what?" I said back my voice lower than usual.

"You just fixed things with Antoine, we're not going down this road again with Fernando." She said, I shook my head slightly.

"Amelia, do you love him?" She asked my once again, "I don't know." I answered truthfully.

"Explain, what do you mean by you don't know."

"I loved him once, when we were a couple and now I feel nothing towards him but there's a part of me that will perhaps always love him." I explained, she nodded her head slowly attempting to understand where I was coming from.

"I understand that, but what about Antoine?"

"I love him with every single cell in my body, everything in me loves Antoine and I live for him." I said, Bea smiled slightly.

"Antoine over Fernando." She said using her hands as scales, I playfully hit her hands away as she took this has a joke. My face quickly fell again into a frown remembering what was said.

"Look, I'm telling you this because you're my best friend and I think you should know he told me all of this." I lifted my head up slightly getting a glimpse of her face, she seemed sincere and frankly she herself didn't know what to say to help the matter.

"I don't want to deal with this back and forth with Fernando and Antoine anymore, I'm tired of it." I said softly, it was evident how tired I felt about the situation. I'd left it all in the past, Antoine and I had managed to move past all of this.

"Antoine doesn't trust me when it comes to Fernando, I can just feel it." I muttered, Bea was quick to put me in my place.

"Antoine trusts you with his whole life! He has his doubts about Fernando but you can't blame him! He works with the man and has to befriend him."

"We've had so many arguments about Fernando and I don't want to have to go through them again." I sighed.

"Then don't think about what I just told you, nothing is going to happen. Antoine doesn't know and doesn't need to know simple." She said, I nodded my head just agreeing with whatever she was saying at this point.

"Okay." I simply said, I didn't have anymore energy to continue on with this matter so I dropped it right there and then.


Hey! Sorry for the late update, but I didn't read through this for any mistakes so sorry!
but enjoy this update :)

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