Glossary of Terms

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Adventures of Grey Wind, the a series of comedy skits in social media that Robb Stark had started. It involved a bunch of videos of his pet husky, Grey Wind featuring the other Stark huskies at their awesome, funniest and cutest moments. Later renamed The Adventures of Ned and Grey Wind.

Aegon Targaryen University (ATU) Westeros' top university located on Dragonstone Island in the Crownlands.

Aegonfort Bridge the bridge connecting mainland Westeros to Dragonstone Island. Built and finished during the administration of Aerys II Targaryen. The second longest bridge in the world.

Arbor Gold a wine brand founded in Arbor Island by Gilbert Redwyne. One of the two famous Westerosi wines, with its signature sweet flavor.

Arbor Island an island in the Reach region, located on the southwestern-most part of the Westeros. Hometown of the Redwyne family.

ATU Aemon Hall a dorm building exclusive for boys who are incoming freshmen.

ATU Archery Range located just across the Blackfyre Stadium, an open field with distance markers each with targets and watchers' stands on the sides.

ATU Architecture Building a building exclusive for architecture students, located between the Engineering and Art Quads.

ATU Auditorium a building for used for freshmen orientation, seminars, miting de avances and theater production plays.

ATU Balerion Café a café in Dragonstone named after the University mascot, Balerion, the Black Dread.

ATU Blackfyre Stadium an oval shaped stadium home to the ATU Dragons.

ATU Botanical Garden a under the supervision of the Biology Department, dedicated to the collection, and display of a wide range of plants labeled with their .

ATU Fine Arts Building also called the F.A.B.

ATU Greek Row a street in the university compound where the chapter houses of Westeros' top fraternities and sororities are located.

ATU Rhaenys Hall a dorm building exclusive for girls who are incoming freshmen.

Baratheon Corp. a company in the Stormlands with subsidiaries owned by the Baratheon Family. Gendry Baratheon currently serves as its CEO.

Baratheon Engineering a helping hand to construction firms who would install elevators, escalators and other electrical and mechanical equipment to buildings. Founded by Gendry Baratheon and currently run by Tommen Baratheon. Subsidiary of Baratheon Corp.

Baratheon Exports an international trading cargo company based in Storm's End, with its cargo ships docked in the Straits of Tarth. Subsidiary of Baratheon Corp. Founded by Stannis Baratheon and currently run by Shireen Baratheon.

Bear Island an island in the North region where the hydroelectric power plant powering the entire North region is located. Hometown of the Mormont family.

Blackwater Bay a large bay along the Crownlands region.

Bolton Textiles a textile company based in Dreadfort owned by the Bolton family.

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