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After marrying Meera, Bran got her pregnant again. Nine months later, their baby boy was born. Howard, they called him, after their fathers, Howland and Eddard. And at that time, their firstborn, Mykel was nine and their second-born, Jyana was three. Baby Howard had Meera's curly locks, but Bran's auburn hair and his blue eyes.

And because their family was getting bigger, they had decided to move out of the penthouse. A week after his and Meera's wedding, his parents had presented them with a lot title in Caraxes Grand Villas, that high-end subdivision in King's Landing located just by Aegon Hill as a wedding gift. And yes, the property was just a few blocks from his sister, Arya and her husband Gendry.

Also that same day, Arya presented them with a chain of keys to their new house on that same property. At first, Bran thought his sister was kidding. But then she reminded him of that time when she told him about a client in Essos to design for him, his wife and kids. That his conditions were: that it has a sky-is-the-limit budget, that he couldn't meet her personally so she should just find someone who has a sort-of the same lifestyle as him and to have that person pose as the client in his stead.

Bran didn't know it was a thing and he believed Arya when she told him that she's putting him in the client's shoes. Because he was also a structural engineer with a wife and kids. He worked with his sister on everything on it on the designing, planning and the documents and supposedly had it sent to Essos for the construction to start. Unbeknownst to him, it was actually his own house in Caraxes Grand Villas. A gift to him and Meera from Arya herself as she declared that he is her favorite brother.

His family had moved into the new house weeks before his son Howard was born, and he had then brought an SUV to accommodate his three kids and their four dogs.

Now, on their way to school on their first day, twelve-year-old Mykel was going to be in sixth grade, while five-year-old Jyana will be in first grade. And both of them were in their KLA uniforms so of course, the crimson blazers again. They sat in the middle row of the SUV with two-year-old Howard on a car seat. Their four dogs were also on their seatbelts at the last row.

His husky, Summer was still surprisingly healthy and energetic in his old age, thank the gods. Mykel's husky, Winter was still growing. And the two news husky puppies, Autumn and Spring. And yes, Jyana and Howard actually agreed with those names for the puppies after a joke Robb had said.

The puppies were gifts to them by Bran's sister Sansa as her presents on Christmas. Sansa's husky, Lady had given birth to six puppies, which Meera had delivered, since she was the Vet. And two months after, she had decided to have them be given as gifts to her nieces and nephews, same way Arya had.

Sansa had given one puppy to her four-year-old son, Matthos, nicknamed Matt; one for each of Arya's two-year-old twins, the boy, Maveryck and the girl, Cassana; one for Bran's daughter, Jyana and another for his son, Howard; and one for Rickon's four-month-old son, Rickard.

Bran remembered how Robb had joked about his kids' puppies' names. I won't be surprised if they're named Spring and Fall. His brother had said.

I think Autumn is better. Arya had suggested.

The next words that came out of his daughter's mouth, surprised him. That's a nice name, Aunt Arya. Jyana had said.

His three kids, Mykel, Jyana and Howard's huskies, Winter, Autumn and Spring respectively had this sort of weird coincidence connected to them. According to Meera, Mykel was born just as winter had started; Jyana was born weeks before autumn ended, and Howard was born weeks before spring ended.

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