31: Commitment Issues

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- Talisa, Willas, Ygritte – 36; Robb, Jon, Gendry, Meera – 34; Sansa, Joffrey – 33; Arya, Alys, Trystane – 31; Bran, Jojen, Myrcella – 30; Rickon, Shireen, Tommen, Robin – 26


By Thursday, Bran went back to living in the penthouse with his two huskies. Which was fine, it was good to have some peace and quiet for once. But he still, he missed it when he goes home and smells the aroma of a cooked meal from the kitchen, the call of his nephew, little Ned, asking him questions regarding his Math homework.

Now, Bran was sitting by his desk in his bedroom, studying the prototype plans Arya had given him in his office. During that time, Jojen and Myrcella were hanging out with him. And of course, all three of them were pestering him to confess to Meera.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Meera today. Seeing her, always makes his day. You'll be seeing her tomorrow in Myrcella's engagement party, Bran thought. But there's something in him that makes him want to see her before that.

Suddenly, he heard a warning bark, which made him check on his two dogs on the other side of the room. Summer was on his donut pet bed, resting his neck on a pillow. Ever since he went through surgery where he had to wear a medical collar—or in layman's terms, the cone of shame—all he ever did was lie on his bed and be lazy all day. And he barked because his new puppy, Winter was badgering him to play, jumping at him and biting the cone around his neck.

"Guys," He called out. "No fighting."

Bran went back to his the prototype plans on his desk. Then it hit him. He remembered what Meera had told him, You can go to KLMC-VD if you have any concerns.

That's it! He mentally screamed. He should definitely take Summer to the Vet and have maybe the stitches from his surgery removed. Yes, brilliant idea. He told himself.

The next day, Bran took his two huskies with him to work, because he didn't have the heart to leave Winter alone in the penthouse. He decided to give Arya the changes he applied for the reinforcements on the prototype plans before he going to KLMC. And he had also left Winter in his assistant, Jory's care.

Bran met Arya's assistant, Beth Cassel before her office. "Good morning, Beth." He greeted. "Is Arya already here?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." Beth replied, then gestured for him to just go ahead.

"Alright, thank you." He said, then grabbed one of the door's handle. He had only slightly opened it but noticed Summer was shaking his head.

Bran bent down and he could see why. The medical collar was biting into his husky's collar and his fur. "Hold still." He told Summer as he fixed the problem.

As he stood back up, Bran could hear Arya's voice saying, "—Oldtown for six years, who knows how long she'll keep this up."

Without thinking too much, he just pushed open the door just as Arya dropped a book on her desk. And he was also surprised to see their cousin, Jon.

Judging by the surprised looks on Arya and Jon's faces when he walked in, Bran sensed that they were hiding something. He doesn't know what, but something. Because first: it's Friday (and Friday is a working day); second: Jon is in his military service uniform; third: it's past ten in the morning and Jon's still in King's Landing where he should be in Castle Black Military Base at that moment.

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