20: Coming Out (Part 1)

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- Robb, Jon, Gendry, Meera – 27; Sansa, Joffrey – 26; Arya,– 24; Bran, Jojen, Myrcella – 23; Rickon, Shireen, Tommen, Robin – 19


It had been a long week. And finally, it was Christmas break, which meant he was going home.

The day before the start of Christmas break, Myrcella invited him and Jojen to the Baratheon family ancestral home in Storm's End. The Baratheons were heading to Storm's End because it was a tradition in their family to go home for the holidays, and also because Myrcella was informed that there was a café nearby that served the best enchiladas. And she loved enchiladas. (Seriously, she's glutton when it comes to it.)

And because none of the current Baratheons in ATU, namely: Myrcella, Tommen and Shireen, had cars, a white van came to pick them up, similar to the one which drove and picked them up from KLA when they were still in Basic Ed.

Normally, Rickon would offer to drive Shireen to Storm's End, but since Myrcella and Tommen were heading there as well, he had the option not to go. And he didn't. Partly because it meant not facing Shireen's Mom whenever he does. Selyse Baratheon always waited out whenever Shireen went home. Well, at least that's what Rickon had said. And yes, his younger brother would never admit it verbally, but Rickon was still scared of Shireen's Mom. It's the same thing with his sister, Arya with Gendry's Mom, Cersei.

She had never called me by my name, Rickon had rant out once. It's either, young man or Stark boy, never Rickon.

Rickon only kissed Shireen goodbye and drove North to Winterfell, while he and Jojen went south to Storm's End following the white van. And they arrived at Storm's End at about three in the afternoon.

Storm's End, the regional capital of the Stormlands, is literally a city on a cliff. With the Stormlands Regional Capitol building standing directly on Durran's Point promontory overlooking Shipbreaker Bay.

Bran learned that in History class during his freshman year, with Professor Renly Baratheon. During that lesson, Prof Renly would always say: I know this because I was born and raised there. Renly went on explaining that it was founded by Durran Godsgrief, then asked the class who Durran had enlisted to help him plan the city.

Jojen, being the brilliant bestfriend that he is, raised his hand in class while snickering. Renly pointed to him to answer his question and Jojen called out, Brandon Stark!

It stifled a laugh among the class. Yes, Brandon Stark. Renly said. Also known as Brandon the Builder, the legendary structural engineer, architect and planner, who also founded and planned the Northern capital of Winterfell, designed and oversaw the military fortification called the Wall, and the Hightower in Oldtown. Renly then raised an eyebrow at Jojen. I do hope you were referring to him and not to your friend who's sitting right next to you.

They passed the capitol on the way to Baratheon Manor which was also located directly on a promontory. It had a series of circular buildings with large glass windows and vines climbing the walls. But since it's winter, the vines looked like a bunch of sticks glued to the wall.

"Whoa!" Jojen said in awe. "That is Baratheon Manor?"

It had lesser floors than Stark Manor in Winterfell but it definitely was more horizontally widespread as it covered a much larger area of the lot. But being a structural engineering student, he observed that the manor only looked like it had two-storeys. And when he saw one part of a building floor protruding onto the chasm facing Shipbreaker Bay, he realized that there were probably more basement and split-level floors.

GoT AU: The Heart Wants What It WantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora