17: Long Lost Relative

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- Robb, Jon, Gendry, Meera, Daenerys – 24; Sansa – 23; Arya – 21; Bran, Jojen, Myrcella – 20; Rickon, Tommen, Shireen– 16


All Jon wanted in his life was to have a job that he loves and raise a family of his own, not have the heirlooms on his Dad's side of the family, which included hectares of titled lands across Westeros, a family château, and a university on an island.

About almost a year after they graduated, Jon and his three bestfriends were busy building their own careers, which meant they rarely see other nowadays, aside from Robb, who he still sees whenever he visits their home in Winterfell.

While he was working as a military officer in Castle Black, his cousin, Robb was doing an internship with one of Robert Baratheon's lawyers in the Red Keep. Robb had mentioned that once he passes the Bar Exams, he'll need to have a stable job, before their Dad, Ned Stark, passes down the torch of Stark Industries to him. And afterwards, earn enough money for the future, because he hoped to marry his girlfriend, Talisa Maegyr one day. And for which, Robb had promised that Jon would be the best man to his wedding.

Gendry Baratheon was permitted by his Dad, Robert Baratheon to create another subsidiary of Baratheon Corp., but on one condition: he has to work for a year in his Uncle Stannis' Baratheon Exports for work experience in Storm's End. He hoped to create Baratheon Engineering, a helping hand to construction firms. Gendry explained that they would be the one who would install elevators, escalators and other electrical and mechanical equipment to buildings. As for the full-time love commitment, he had never said anything serious yet. Partly, because Arya's still in her third year in college, but Gendry did admit to him once when he was a bit tipsy with alcohol that he wanted to marry Arya someday when they're ready.

Meera Reed, on the other hand, is doing her medical residency in Brightwater Keep General Hospital's Veterinary Department, in the Reach. As for her love life, she has to find herself a boyfriend first. She has been single ever since that blond-haired Lannister kid cheated on her back when they were still in college. Well, not technically. Because she was occasionally hooking up with Bran. And Jon knew that because Bran admitted it to him, and also that he did, in fact, walked in on them making out in the kitchen of Stark Manor. But since the president of the country was a guest in their home at that time, he only threatened to expose them if he ever caught them doing their spontaneous make-out sessions again. Another thing, Bran had lost his virginity to Meera, and her to him. No one else knew about it but Jon himself. Sometimes, he had feared that she's been leading his young cousin on, because Bran hadn't even found himself a girlfriend yet.

Anyways, one Saturday afternoon, he had left work early because the following day would be his Uncle Ned's birthday. Robb had organized a lunch party in the Stark Manor with just their parents, his Uncle Ned and Aunt Cat, the six Stark kids and their Uncle Benjen on a Sunday. And since it was their Dad's birthday, the three remaining Stark children in Dragonstone Island, Sansa, Arya and Bran went home for the weekend.

It was only 2pm when he left work to go grocery shopping for the ingredients of the spaghetti that Arya was going to help him cook because his Uncle Ned loves spaghetti. With the long grocery list she'd given him, it took him an hour to get everything they needed. And since there was this law mandating that every commercial store is to practice no plastic bag days on Wednesdays and Saturdays, it meant he carried home two large full eco-friendly brown paper bags.

He drove to his Uncle Benjen's house in the Gift after, where no one would ever bother or care to figure out what he and his cousin were about to do. But as he reached his Uncle's street, he was surprised to see the Stark family SUV parked out on the street in front of his Uncle's house. Across the SUV, parked in front of Aemon Targaryen's house, was a blood red Lamborghini. He didn't know who it belonged to, but he could tell whoever owned it was very rich.

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