Bonus: Deleted Contents

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These are some of the scenes I didn't include in the chapters that I've written because I feel like it did not work with P.O.V.s or because I changed my mind about something in the plot. And also there were originally Objective P.O.V.s

CHAPTER 6 – Heart Problems


"Bran, hey!" Myrcella snapped her fingers in her face.

Bran turned to her. "What?"

"I called you five times already. Are you okay?" She asked. "It seems like it was your Dad who was hospitalized, not Jojen's."

"I'm fine." Bran lied.

"Look, I know you're worried about Jojen and his Dad but—" Myrcella started to say.

"It's not Jojen or his Dad," Bran sighed. "It's—it's Meera."

"Seven hells." Myrcella scooted closer to him. "Did something happen between you guys again?"

"I kissed her." Bran admitted.

"What?" Myrcella asked in disbelief.

"Look, I already feel bad not telling Jojen about this." Bran admitted. "Should I tell him?"

"No!" Myrcella snapped. "Don't. Just don't, I mean you probably should, whatever. But not now. Especially since Meera has a boyfriend and their Dad was just discharged from the hospital."

CHAPTER 9 Injuries


On the car ride to King's Landing, even with Arya on the wheel and Sansa on the backseat, they still never fail to get in her nerves. Their arguments involved changing lanes, freeway speed limits and whether which street to turn right or left to.

"I'm merely suggesting—" Sansa started to say.

"Your tone isn't all that suggesting at all." Arya interrupted. "It felt like an order. Like you're ordering me into doing your bidding."

Sansa's brows knitted. "What are you even—?" She sighed. "Why do you take everything I say out of context?"

"It's not that," Arya argued. "It's your tone. You're yelling at me."

"I'm not yelling at you." Sansa insisted.

"Your voice is loud."

"Of course, it's loud." The older Stark girl said. "We're in a car. It's a closed space. So obviously, it makes my voice louder."

Just after they made it to Duskendale, Sansa made another suggestion. "We can make a right on the next exit."

"Don't tell me what to do." Arya replied. "I know where I'm going."

"Arya, I'm just—"

"Sansa, just shut up!" The younger Stark girl interrupted. "I know these roads better than you so stop telling me where to go. I've taken the time to find the fastest routes to avoid car traffic."

Sansa sighed. "Whatever. But you going 80KPH on a 60KPH zone worries me."


"So?" Sansa shrieked. "What if a speed limit radar flashes at us? And we get pulled over?"

"That won't happen." Arya assured.

"How are you so sure?"

"Just trust me." Arya sighed. "I thought Jon was the pessimistic one in the family."

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