9: Injuries

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- Talisa, Willas – 24; Robb, Jon, Gendry, Meera – 22; Sansa – 21; Arya – 19; Bran, Jojen, Myrcella – 18; Rickon, Tommen, Shireen – 14


It was a week after Meera had broken up with Tyrek and Arya shaming Kyra Frey. She could definitely say that she had moved on, and had put that incident behind her. Tyrek still tried talking to her, of course. But thankfully, she'd mastered the art of evading him whenever he attempted to get close. It wasn't easy, since they had both taken up programs in the medical field. Kyra, however, knew better than to plot revenge or something. Obviously, Arya had formulated a thorough plan to destroy her without it being illegal within the campus premises, in which Meera thought was hands-down awesome.

Without her friends and family sticking out for her, she wouldn't know what to do.

Now, Robb had called her and his sisters, Arya and Sansa, to the Alpha Theta Psi chapter house. It's an emergency, he had said. She didn't know what the problem was, but it was also unusual for Robb to call them on a Thursday morning.

Thankfully, classes are suspended for the day and the next day, since everyone was busy preparing for the big game, the National Championship of the President's Cup for Collegiate Football, the match between the Aegon Targaryen University Dragons against the White Harbor State University Mermen. And the game will be held in the Blackfyre Stadium on Friday.

Meera walked with the Stark girls towards Alpha Theta Psi chapter house. When they reached the gates, Robb and Gendry were standing side by side on the porch and they both had their arms crossed. And they had mischievous smiles on their faces.

"This better be important." Meera said. "Because we've got stuff to do. Well, actually, they've got stuff to do." She gestured to Arya and Sansa standing on either side of her. "I'm free until the chapter meeting."

"Oh, it is, Meera." Robb promised. "And it's gonna get better."

"Is this gonna take long?" Sansa asked. "Because I promised Willas that we'll skype with him before the chapter meeting this morning."

Willas Tyrell, Sansa's boyfriend, had graduated last year. He had now taken over as the Chief Operations Officer in the one of the Tyrell family businesses, the Tyrell Flower Farms, because his Dad, Mace Tyrell was already Governor of the Reach. But despite their long-distance relationship, they're still growing strong. (No pun intended.)

"I'm sorry," Arya spoke up, impatiently tapping her foot on the concrete pathway. "But why did you call us here?" She asked. "Mrs. Whent asked me to sort out the mail today, for the gods' sake."

"Trust me, baby sister," Robb said. "You're gonna love it." Suddenly, a Northern Husky came scampering towards Robb, wagging its tail playfully, which made their eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my gods!" Sansa exclaimed. "Is that—is that Grey Wind?" She asked.

"How in seven hells did your dog get here?" Arya demanded.

Gendry cleared his throat. "Ladies," He said. "If you please welcome,"

"Back from the dead." Robb added.

Robb and Gendry stepped aside and made way for a guy with dark hair shaved at the sides, in a black military jacket. A white Northern Husky with red eyes followed him.

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