12: Red-Handed

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- Robb, Jon, Gendry, Meera – 23; Sansa – 22; Arya, Trystane, Alys – 20; Bran, Jojen, Myrcella – 19; Rickon, Shireen – 15


Jon drove back to the North first to Stark manor, their family's ancestral home in Winterfell before heading back to WMA.

There weren't parties in ATU's Greek Row that weekend since Midterms are starting in the following week. So all he basically did all weekend was sleep, eat and play videogames with Robb, mostly. Since Gendry and Bran had other things to do.

Gendry, he suspected, was on a date with Arya. But he didn't want Robb to get suspicious, so he just went with the flow about Gendry's excuse of him doing a Midterms project in the University's Robotics Lab.

Bran was also covering for him. Arya had told him that Bran knew about their relationship, simply because he had walk in on them making out. But how Arya had convinced her little brother not to tell Robb, Jon doesn't know. Bran isn't easily swayed by bribery and he isn't exactly a good liar either. In fact, he could almost see through to him.

Earlier that morning, after he drove Robb to the car shop that had his car repaired, he drove ahead back home to the North. Bran was still snoring away when they left the frat house. He must have quite an adventure the previous night, and the fact that Meera dragged him to Driftmark, he seemed like he was still regaining all the energy he lost.

Just as he parked his car and killed the engines, Ghost leaped out of his car at the same time Rickon, the youngest of the Stark siblings ran to meet him, followed by his black-furred husky, Shaggy.

Their huskies immediately began playing with each other, running across the yard.

"Jon!" Rickon screamed as he ran to him and crushed him in a hug. "So, how'd it go?" He asked. "How are they?"

"They're fine." Jon said as he returned the hug and patted Rickon's back. "Bran's still getting use to the typical college life, but anyways, he's good."

Rickon was fifteen now, basically nearly past puberty as his voice had already gotten deeper. But even though, he's almost a man grown, they would always see him as the baby in the family. And Robb and his sisters, Arya and Sansa occasionally called him baby brother, a nickname Rickon both hated and tolerated at the same time.

"Do you need help with your stuff?" Rickon asked.

Jon picked his one backpack and Ghost's donut cushion bed. "I only have one bag, Rickon." He said.

"Oh, okay." Rickon said. "Mom's just preparing lunch. She's stoking the grilling pan."

"Grilling pan?" Jon repeated.

"Dad's suggested barbeque for lunch," Rickon explained. "Partly because it's Sunday, and you're visiting before returning to Military school and some Manderlys from White Harbor are coming over for a sort of business negotiation."

"Cool." Jon said. "Been a while since I've had shish kebabs."

"I don't mind the shish kebabs." Rickon said. "I just can't believe they chose Sunday to do some business shit." He sighed. "Anyways, I'm glad you're here for it. Because I can't stand Wylla Manderly, she kept staring at me in a weird way. I've had enough of it at school and I have a feeling Shireen noticed it too."

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