"Yea? I'm not that type of CEO who lazed around when they get home." Tiffany rolled her eyes as if she was right enough.

Taeyeon turned her gaze to the replica again with the urge of rolling her eyes was totally mainstream. The latter was being totally cocky.


Tiffany was awake from her slumber. She felt her body was cold as heck and groaned when she realized the air-conditioner was in the coldest temperature. She took a glance at her wristwatch. 4 AM. She fixed her position to a comfortable one. She cracked two or three joints of her body. She didn't know when did she fall asleep.

She yawned before stretching a bit. She got off from her chair and felt her blood suddenly started flowing. Cramps. Why did I sleep here again?

Then, she suddenly remembered about Taeyeon. Yes, because of that midget. Now, where is she again?

Just as Tiffany arrived at the room, she saw Taeyeon was tidying her things on the table.

Thankfully, Taeyeon didn't faint because of Tiffany's sudden appearance. It was creeping the crap out of her. She was observing the latter carefully. Tiffany was still using her last nightshirt and her face also showed that she just woke up. Did Tiffany sleep in the office though?

"You're still here?" She was surprised to see Taeyeon was staying up in the office till dawn.

Taeyeon didn't want to admit it but Tiffany's husky voice was turning her own. Messy hair + husky voice, was totally a full package right? Shaking her head of her byuntae's thoughts, she quickly tidied the messy table again.

Meanwhile, Tiffany was flustered. She just asked a question and Taeyeon stared at her for a minute then ignored her. What? She cleared her throat, receiving the attention of her employee.

Sensing something must be wrong, Taeyeon finally realized her mistake and mumbled a sorry before talking, "Yes, and did you sleep in the office?"

"Obviously, am I the type that going to the office before dawn?" Sarcasm.

Taeyeon rolled her eyes before excusing herself, "Oh, I see. Well, I'm going home now, Miss Hwang."


That morning, Taeyeon woke up at 9 in the morning. And that was because of her lack of sleep. Fell asleep after dawn and woke up at 8. Even Bora who picked her up also arrived late.

And did I tell you that Tiffany was the one who sent Taeyeon home in the morning? Taeyeon actually didn't want and remind Tiffany that she could still drive even if she didn't sleep but being a stubborn person, Tiffany kept persuading her and she didn't take a no as an answer and she also threatened to give her a piggyback if she didn't want. Taeyeon reluctantly said yes even she still worried about her car in the basement. So, Tiffany asked Bora to pick her up to work since she lived in the same area as Taeyeon.

She shifted her eyes uncomfortably since all the eyes in the office were looking at her like she was an idol or something. While walking to her cubicle, she could still hear Nick's sarcastic words loudly, "It's her father's company so it's up to her to go to work at any time."

Scoffing while getting off her place and made her way to Wendy's office, she knocked before entering, "Come in."

Once she entered, she could only say, "I'm sorry, Wendy. This is all I can do."

Wendy looked at the replica in amazement. She couldn't believe that Taeyeon did it in just only one night. She was just so proud of the new employee. She gave a thumbs up before talking, "You've gotta be kidding me. This is awesome! I bet Miss Hwang will be happy if she sees this! Thank you, Taeyeon!"

Taeyeon was surprised to know that Wendy hugged her. She hugged the young lady back and muttered a welcome. Her expectation was that Wendy would mock how ugly was her replica or she might be thrown in the other office but seeing how happy was Wendy right now, she couldn't help but felt really proud of herself.


"I did it, Miss Hwang. I told you I'm not the culprit, aren't I?" That was the first sentence came out from Taeyeon's mouth as soon as she entered Tiffany's office.

Her red eyes were staring in the soul of the red eyes of Tiffany. It was not because of their banters or something, but it was because of their not enough sleep. She totally forgot about the fact that Tiffany was also in the same boat as her.

"You came here just because of that?" Tiffany asked her back. Even if Taeyeon didn't tell her, she still remembered. Since last night, she already learned the fact that the shorter girl was innocent after her hard work. For this one, she was impressed. Thus, when Wendy presented the replica just now, she didn't shut her mouth and kept praising the new employee work. Taeyeon is a talented worker, I can see her in five years, and so on.

"Yes, I just want to say that I'm innocent, that's all." She replied. She didn't know why but her confidence was so high right now. A sense of relief because she had finally made her promise and at the same time, she finally pissed off Tiffany. It's like killing two birds with one stone for her.

Feeling that she was being cocky enough to her boss before getting a long lecture from the person itself, she cleared her throat before excusing herself, "Hm, so that's all I want to say. Thank you for sending me home just and sorry for the burden. Excuse me." She forgot to say her thank you for this morning. Blame all the fault to her sleepiness after reaching her house gate, she hurriedly went inside and dozed off.

She gave a since smile before stepping her foot outside the office. Hopefully, Tiffany wouldn't summon her after this so she can sleep early tonight.

Tiffany just only watched Taeyeon exiting her office. Her face showed tiredness but she was feeling happy like a kid just received candy from her mother. Yes, that was how Taeyeon's expression after walked out from her office. And it was her first time of seeing Taeyeon smile. She didn't know why but she was smiling to herself. Taeyeon has such cute dimples on the chin and it's really charming.

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