Ch1: Hey you, what's your dream?

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Warning: Brief mentions of self-harm, temptation, and a panic attack. Don't do any of these, 'kay? Also, I'm inexperienced with writing panic attacks. Sorry if it's bad, it's legit my first time.

I need more research.

Enjoy :)

"What do you mean you said no? Are you out of your mind?!" Kaejji yelled, gaining some people's attention with weird looks sent their way, and Choheun shushed him harshly, cheeks red as a rose as she brought him down face-level with her. Aish, he had no restraint.

"Pabo! I didn't say no, oppa, I said I'll think about it and give my decision tonight!" she scowled, slapping his clothed bicep and the man had the decency to look apologetic. She did her best not to apologize no matter how bad she wanted to (feeling guilty so easily sucked, but she didn't know that).

"Oh, sorry." He chuckled sheepishly, brushing his red hair away as it flopped back down in front of his eyes. He sighed, frowning in confusion. "But still, I don't understand. I thought becoming an idol was your dream, Cho-yah, and you'd take the offer immediately," he stated more than asked because he knew that was her dream since the beginning. Kaejji knew how much she loved to sing and dance and everything in-between, more so when she could make anyone happy when she did.

Choheun smiled sadly. She knew where her friend was going with this and would've agreed wholeheartedly. But... Dream, or family? To her, the answer was obvious. "I know what you mean, oppa. I just- you know-" she huffed in slight frustration, "I can't forget about Dohyuk-oppa. Or unnie and Jae-yah. I can't leave them alone knowing they need my help. And unnie barely has the time to stay for dinner these days, and someone needs to take care of Jaegoo after school."

Kaejji sighed softly. This was why she was too kind. She cared about everyone and everything, putting others first before herself. Most of the time, however, she barely took care of herself. One time, Choheun nearly starved herself to death because her nephew's health was more important, and the only reason why was because she forgot. Literally. She knew she was hungry but forgot and dismissed it instantaneously when noticing Jaegoo holding his tummy (Kaejji was there to witness it one time). Seriously, what the fuck, Choheun. It's fine to care for her second blood-relative, but missing lunch because she was more concerned about the boy was not normal. Especially since she had probably done something like that since the beginning of time—maybe before he even met her. Dohyuk had told him stories, so Kaejji knew.

Scratch that, she only knew how to eat and drink and take care of her family and forgets everything about herself. It was painful to watch knowing nothing could change her mind when she grew up with that mindset.

The redhead patted the girl's head, the teen peering up at him with confused and sad eyes (the fu- that's too cute why-), "It's not my decision to make, no matter how much I really want you to take it, but I think you should talk about this with hyung, Cho-yah." He suggested.

Choheun pouted ever-so-slightly, fingers reaching up to tug on his shirt meekly. He was right. If she wanted to think about the right choice, she needed to talk to her brother about it (maybe with Eunji-unnie, too, if she wasn't busy). She just didn't know what to do. The temptation of finally grabbing a hold of her impossible dream, to become someone people (young kids especially) might look up to, sounded amazing. The missing piece to complete a part of her missing life despite how content she was with it.

But, at the same time, Choheun didn't wanna leave her family and only best friend behind because of a silly, unreachable dream. Her brother could end up in the hospital at any time and she wouldn't be there. Like- what if she couldn't hold his hand or something when he's in the hospital bed lying pale and still? The possibilities kept going on and on and more frightening with each thought.

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