"But the way you treat her. The way you look at her. You're both starting to seem -- "

"Don't say it."

Tywin stopped his son from speaking any further. Jaime arched a brow, watching his father seeming to for once show that he was fighting emotions. An inner battle was raging inside him. Jaime could see it all too well.

"She cares for you."

He whispered, causing his father to scoff and look from his son. Jaime's lips parted slowly as he edged forward a bit.

"She knew you were only marrying her for her dowry. She told me, months ago. Yet she is still willing to marry you, to give you sons, knowing that you had only her money in mind."

Tywin slowly looked up to his son, shock clear across his face given by Jaime's words.

"No noble woman like Hellen would continue to wish to be in a marriage proposal to a man that only wanted her money, if she didn't have at least some type of feelings for him."

"You speak as if you know her so well."

"But I do. She is my friend. She helped save my life from Bolton's men. She negotiated with Lord Bolton to have me returned to you. I watched helplessly as his men almost raped her -- "

"That's enough."

Jaime hushed when his father snapped at him and rose from his throne. Jaime took a step back and looked up at his father, who was glaring back at him. His lips twitching as he silently walked away from Jaime, leaving his son standing there by the throne, questioning as to where his father was headed so quickly.

Hellen sat in Tywin's chambers doing some cross stitching by the open window. She kept her eyes on the rose she was working on. The rose that had begun to wrap around the golden lion she was halfway through working on when the chamber door came flying open.

Hellen looked up quickly more than prepared to grab the small blade she had beside her in her basket for protection. But she eased up when she seen it was Tywin. She barely had time to put her things down into the basket when he made his way before her.

She tensed when he unexpectedly grabbed both sides of her cheeks and crashed his lips down upon hers. Shutting her eyes, she wrapped her fingers around Tywin's shoulders and hung onto him for her life as he moved her around and pulled her down onto his lap as he sat in the chair where she just sat.

"Y-Your grace?"

She asked breathlessly as she felt his hands moving all over her body unlacing strands and strings to remove her clothing.

"Hellen, are you with child yet?"

His hushed voice startled her. She shook her head and he grunted. He pulled off her corset and tossed it to the ground.

"Then, let us try again."

He growled giving kisses to her neck causing her to sigh and press into his body.

A gasp slipped from her lips as she was slid down over Tywin's awaiting cock. Eyes fluttered closed as Hellen sat fully sheathing his long cock inside of her.

Hellen arched her back and rocked her hips against Tywin's. Her body completely naked and her clothing pooled around the two of them. Her eyes fluttering as she looked to the ceiling. She could feel his fingers digging into her skin as she shifted back and forth. His lips attacking the soft skin of her chest. Tywin was making sure he'd leave his marks on her for her eyes to admire later.


She moaned swallowing the thick saliva that built in the back of her throat. She could feel him in her belly hitting her just right as she moved. Whining when she felt his teeth clamp down upon her nipple, Hellen glanced down and seen Tywin lavishing her erect bud with his tongue.

Her hands moved up and behind the back of his head, where she grabbed some of his hair and tugged on it causing him to look up at her.

There was a fire in those green eyes of his. A fire that Hellen had never seen before. A fire that actually startled her. Tywin was looking at her in a manner that he never had prior.

And it scared the living hell out of her.

"That's it. Ride me."

He whispered. His hands moved from her hips and toward her ass. Her fingers dug into the skin of her plump cheeks which caused her to gasp. She started to go from rocking to bouncing. Tywin watched her almost in awe as her breasts hopped with her movement. Her cunt tightened around him to an almost painful point.

Had she not been wet it may have been extremely painful. But there was enough excitement between her legs to the point where she was soaking Tywin's britches.

"Even when you're fucking me, you do it so gracefully. You make it seem like you're not wanton. Like my cock isn't buried inside of you."

Hellen cried out. Tywin's talking and the deep rumble of his voice pushed Hellen over the edge causing her to shutter as she kept going. She came but continued to ride him. Tywin grunted feeling her walls clenching almost unbearable around his shaft.

He couldn't help but chuckle as his lips kissed under her chin around her jaw.

"Such a good girl."

He whispered bucking up into her. Continuing to draw out her orgasm for as long as possible while struggling to reach his own.

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