Chapter 15: Vacation

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"Yeah. I was trying to make it work with my first boyfriend but we both weren't on the same page eversince he started asking me for sex."

"What do you mean?" Natalia ask.

"Well he's a surgeon, we met at a convention. We both had the same goals and plans. We saw each other in our future. We've been together for 2 years without sex and he seems to never have a problem with it. But as we were approching our anniversary in our third year, he ask me if i was confortable with having sex with him and i said no."

"Is there a reason for that?" Kamilla ask.

"Uhm yeah... I- i w-..." she sighed, causing Natalia and Reagan to look away, knowing her reason. "I was molested when i was six years old."

"I'm sorry to hear." they spoke.

"Yeah. He uhm... He started asking over and over, non stop and i would tell him no. We had a heated argument about it where it got physical and i stabbed him. I went to my mom and my uncle was there at the time. And he was saying that i should tell him about it. I was scared to give my ex my reason because it took me a long while to accept that it actually happen. When i went home that same day, i told him about it. To think that he would understand and sorta comfort me, he left." she chuckled bitterly. "He packed his things, and left. 3 years of our relationship went down the drain just because of his selfish needs. I saw him a few times in the city and when i would try to talk to him, to explain myself more, he would avoid me. The last time i saw him, he was with a girl... And she was pregnant, and engaged."

"Oh my." they gasp.

"Im okay though." she smiled. "I'm single and I'm okay with that."

"It's not healthy Claire. Don't you want kids?" Natalia ask.

"I do. I always wanted a family but i-"

"You're scared." Reign finished her sentence. "I've been there before and i understand what you went through and is going through right now."

"I want to try another relationship again but i don't wanna chose the wrong person."

"There is no wrong person just like there is no perfect person. You just gotta hope for the best."

"Thanks. Enough about me. What about you Reign?"

"Hella shit. Will and i are working to get pregnant."

"Baby number 3?"

"Yeah. We're hoping for a boy this time. He's loving the thought of being a stay at home dad while manging Raheema and Wrylie. Can you believe he got my babies into football and gymnastics?"

"Awww." they cooed in unison.

"No. No aww. I wanted to take them first. Its not fair. And he's even in the mom squad." she frowned.

"Lets just appreciate the fact that their dad got them into those beautiful activities. Its rare to see fathers indulging in those stuff."

"I agree with Lea. Look at it this way. You have your beautiful family at home and while you're working, your husband cooks and cleans while taking care of y'all daughters. Then you come home to a clean house, dinner and a husband waiting up with your bath water. Ain't it so?"

"It is. I think i over reacted."

"Overreacctttt?" Claire said and they laughed.

"Well for me, I'm in Reigns shoe, minus the stay at home dad part. I'm actually 2 months pregnant..

"Nooo." Natalia whined. "That means we have to limit your drinking intake."

"Aren't you a dentist? What you know about drinking?"

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