Chapter 23- Starch white celings

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"Percy!" I scream, terrified. He wasn't even paying attention.

"Snap out of it!!" I yell even louder, and try to get his attention. Nothing works.

I kiss him.

He whips awake, just as the sliding car hits us, shattering the windshield and letting an icy blast in.

I don't feel any pain. Maybe I've felt so much of it, I don't notice it anymore.

That's how I know something is very wrong. I feel a small puddle of blood around me, and the car is on it's side. I feel small glass shards piercing my skin, but I don't know where the blood is coming from. An ambulance races up, and I see Percy run as fast as he can to it. He looks so frantic, it's a side of him I've never seen. They carefully pull me out of the window, and I don't know why they're being careful. I can't feel anything anyways. They lead Percy to another ambulance that pulled up.

"Annabeth! Annabeth! No stop, I'm fine. Let me see her!" I can hear his struggle, but the medics took him away from me. I feel the same cold empty, abandoned feeling as I did in Tartarus when I got Calypso's curse. (^that doesn't make sense if you didn't read House Of Hades^)

I start to kick and scream his name. The medics must know he's important to me, because after a few minutes of my wailing they give in. I feel myself strapped to a stretcher and hoisted into the ambulance. My vision is blurry, all I see is the flashing lights of the ambulance and my Seaweed Brain.

The ambulance is going fast. Like, really fast. I had no idea what in Hades was wrong with me. Percy is just mumbling stuff like "Its okay. You'll be okay. Oh gods." He starts crying a few times. It feels like a blade cutting deep into my heart to hear him cry.


I wake up and stare at the starch white ceiling. I don't know where I am, what happened or why I'm here. I rack my brain for things I remember, but nothing comes up. It just makes my head hurt.

I close my eyes and remember some hazy details of yesterday. It's weird, I remember everything. But the last few minutes are blurry. It slowly comes back, and suddenly I wish I hadn't remembered it.

For the first time since yesterday, I feel pain. I suddenly wince, and pinpoint the location of my pain.

My back.

This is horrible. I think. You need your back for everything. Walking, sitting down, and heck, even lying down. How would I do anything? Was I paralyzed?

I sharply exhale, and wish for the millionth time pain didn't exist.

His hand squeezes mine and I focus my gaze on him. His eyes look so tired, almost like Nico. But it's not only tiredness, it's worry. I can see it in his eyes.

"I love you." Is all he says.

I can't get the words out. I just smile.

^^I bet y'all hate me for this. IM SORRY! I swear to the gods it'll be Okay. Okay? ^^

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