The Only One

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This is a really cool request from Fangirl_Cows. Thank you so much!

Piper knew she shouldn't feel this way about her best friend. About any girl. But, oh gods, Piper wanted Annabeth so badly.

Piper never really considered herself being, you know, not straight. Even though most of her half brothers and sisters in the Aphrodite cabin considered themselves pansexual, being children of the goddess of love and all, Piper always assumed that she was just too in love with Jason to even look at someone else in that way. Especially not another girl.

But Annabeth was so very different.

Piper stood now, staring at the door of the Athena cabin. Even though the weather was mild for July, Piper felt herself sweating. She ran her fingers through her choppy locks, feeling minuscule tangles undo themselves against her knuckles. When she reached the nape of her neck, the shorter bits of hair in the front rushed to her face, and she released her mane of hair, letting fall in front of her eyes. Piper felt her chest expand and contract as she took several deep, calming breaths, though she still felt anxious.  She knocked against the wooden door.

Within seconds, the door swung open as one of Annabeth's brothers, a scraggly boy who was probably only eleven, answered. He had the same stone gray eyes as Annabeth, analyzing Piper from behind a pair of thin glasses. Unlike his half-sister, his hair was very dark and disheveled, hanging onto his forehead. He didn't utter a greeting or a question, but still looked to Piper as if expecting a response. She cleared her throat and asked, "Is Annabeth there?"

"Oh, yeah." His eyes widened slightly as if he had been startled. He craned his neck to look back into the cabin, his thick locks falling over his glasses. "Annabeth! Your friend's here!"

Within moments, Annabeth appeared over the boy's shoulder. Her gray eyes seemed distracted, as if she had been interrupted from a deep thought, though her expression hinted at being pleasantly surprised from seeing her friend. "Thanks, Mickey," she spoke, affectionately ruffling his hair as he moved out of the doorway.

Annaeth looked down slightly at Piper, being just about two inches taller. "Hey, Pipes," she greeted with a genuine smile. "What's going on?"

Piper rehearsed the conversation so many times in her head, thinking of every possible way she could tell her best friend her strange feelings. Annabeth, I like you. Or, I'm in love with you. Or, Would you ever consider going gay? But, looking at Annabeth now, Piper realized that she had never given a thought to how she could initiate this discussion. Piper took in Annabeth's vaguely confused expression and realized she'd been staring with her mouth wide open. "I, er, can I talk to you? In private?"

"Piper, is something wrong?" Confusion transitioned to concern as Annabeth's eyes darkened to a more serious tone. "You're sweating."

Piper swiped her hand across her forehead, pulling it away damp, then rubbing it against the sturdy denim of her shorts. "I'm fine, I just-- I just need to talk to you."

Annabeth eyed her up with an expression that was hard to read, but finally agreed. "Alright," she announced, "where to?"

Piper just sort of followed her feet, and the girls found themselves at the lake, its murky water lazily lapping against the sand. Piper supposed it would be as good a place as any to pronouce your lesbian love to your best friend. She sat down on the shore and Annabeth sat so close that Piper could smell her: her shampoo and her soap and the gentlest hint of spearmint.

"Well, uh, Annabeth, I, er, wanted to tell you that, um..." Piper cleared her throat. "Alright, I'm just going to say it." Piper turned and looked Annabeth straight in her eyes, gray like the sky before a storm. "I-- I have these feelings. I don't know how, or why, but," Piper paused, inhaling deeply, steeling her nerves for whatever rejection may ensue. "I'm in love with you."

Annabeth's eyes searched Piper's face, and Piper couldn't read her expression. Before Piper could think of anything to add, Annabeth darted forward and kissed Piper in the must desperate way. Annabeth's lips were soft, and the bottom one had slight indents from where she always bit at it, and her curly hair flew around Piper's face, and a single strand stuck to the nervous sweat on Piper's cheek, and the kiss had so much electricity and passion that Piper couldn't resist putting her arms around Annabeth and pulling her closer. 

Finally, Annabeth pulled ever-so-slightly apart, so that they're lips still brushed when she spoke, and murmured, "I thought I was the only one."

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