Gaming on the Job

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As complicated as the controls on the Argo II look, not all of them are for steering and controlling.

Jason had always assumed that Leo had used all the fancy gadgets, including the Wii remotes, just to be a showoff. That's the kind of person Leo is; he likes to look cool. Every now and then Jason would sit up in the control room just to watch Leo steer the massive ship, using all sorts of technology, shifting his hands swiftly, all the while jabbering at full speed, not even looking at the controls.

"This here is an IPad I covered with a green case. It controls the rudders. When I do this--" He made a complicated zigzag pattern on the screen "-- it changes them left and right."

And occasionally, Leo would chatter about something completely unrelated to the controls at hand. 

"Do you think Hazel likes me? I think she might. I mean, why else would Frank hate me? I'm incredibly handsome and smart. Are they together? Not together like in the same room as each other I mean together together. I actually..."

One day, Jason came to watch Leo, to be amazed by his handiwork, and to just listen to the mindless babble of Leo's motor mouth.

Only he heard grunts at the door. They sounded like someone playing...

And someone was. Leo had both Wii remotes in each hand, and on the screen, a little Mii character was running after a ball while Leo played tennis.

Those Dam Headcanons (Percy Jackson One-Shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें