Itsy Bitsy Spider

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Frank stopped snooping around the Argo II after the incident.

Frank was never particularly nosey or sneaky, but he always sensed that someone was keeping secrets from him. He knew it was just paranoia, but he couldn't fight the urge to transform into a bug every now-and-then and eavesdrop.

He changed up the bug-choice every time. Last Tuesday, he was a fruit fly. Two weeks before, he had been an ant. Tonight, without thinking, he changed into a spider.

Frank the Spider crawled into the top corner of the room, a web already spun by some other creature on board. He had seen Annabeth, Hazel, and Leo all agreeing to meet up, and he just wanted to... check up on them.

Clearly, he had not thought the plan through.

Annabeth, with her alert battle senses, years of training, and insane arachnophobia, was not likely to miss a spider, no matter how small, snooping on her.

With a shriek and a jump across the entire table, Annabeth was up with the hilt of her dagger banging on the wall, trying to trap Frank the Spider and kill him.

Percy immediately appeared at the door to the dining room. He ran after Annabeth, yelling at her to stop and let him handle the spider. It took several minutes of Percy shouting, "LEAVE THE SPIDER ALONE," and a lot of frantic scurrying until Annabeth finally allowed Percy to pick him up by a spindly leg.

Not a second later, Percy found himself cradling a sumo-wrestler-sized Frank Zhang in his arms.

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