Prom Night

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This is sort of a part two to "Tuxedos." If you didn't read it for any reason, you should if you want to understand this chapter!

Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, and Percy and Annabeth, each pair arm in arm, had entered the school's gymnasium, where the prom was being held. The theme for the prom itself was Under the Sea, which had earned cheers from Percy and groans from the rest of the Seven.  Blue and silver streamers had been hung in swirling patterns across the ceiling, a massive disco ball rotating in the center. The gym walls had been designed to look like waves, big, cartoony swells that were topped with a think, frothy foam like whipped cream. Even the air smelled vaguely of salt, but Annabeth suspected it was more due to the close proximity of Percy.

Annabeth noticed their small group and realized the usual Seven was only a mere Six.  "Where's Leo?" The gang looked around confused, but shrugged their shoulders. "Whatever trouble Leo is causing, it's better that we don't know about it," Jason said, earning a laugh from Frank.

Percy had swapped the bright blue tuxedo in favor of a smooth cut black one, similar to that of Jason and Frank, but Annabeth knew that Percy would've worn the first tux if she had permitted him. The DJ was playing a song that all the mortals appeared to know pretty well, even though Annabeth wasn't very familiar with it. The students swayed in time to the upbeat rhythm, and Piper had just whisked Jason out onto the dance floor when the music cut completely, leaving a confused body of dazed teenagers in utter silence. The slight bit of light that had been cascading around the room dimmed into nonexistance, and a bright spotlight shone on the double doors leading into the gymnasium. 

The students stared in an expectant silence, annoyed glares at the doors. The DJ was fiddling with the keys on his table, trying to turn back on the music, when a different song cut through the quiet.

She's just a girl and she's on fire. Hotter than a fantasy, lonely like a highway.

Now all the teenagers refocused their attention on the DJ, a thin guy in his late twenties,  who just shrugged  his shoulders and made  another desparate attempt to regain control of the music.

She's got her feet on the ground, and she's burning it down.

The music was getting louder now, so loud that the walls seemed to vibrate and Frank had to cover his ears. The spotlight on the doors remained, glowing in intensity, the circle of yellow burning into Annabeth's eyes. 

Suddenly, they swung open with a bang.


Leo stepped through the doors with his usual strut, his arms spread wide in a Ta-Dah! sort of stance, the elfish grin on his face wider than Annabeth had ever seen. He walked through to the center of the gymnasium, and the music seemed to die down. However, Leo was not yet done his spectacle.

As he reached the middle of the gym, directly under the hazy glow of the disco ball, red and gold fireworks sparkled inside the gymnasium. How Leo managed not to burn down the entire school, Annabeth did not know. Leo pointed to the female students and even a few of the staff members, winking at them individually. Occasionally, he blew a kiss, or held a hand to his ear  and mouthed call me. The fireworks boomed and the music blared, and as soon as the show had started, it had died down. The student body remained in an awed silence.

The rest of the Seven, however, applauded vigourously for Leo, and he took an overdramatic bow. The other students had only glared in annoyance. Leo opened his mouth, still grinning, preparing to say something that was equal parts vain and hilarious, when someone threw a crumpled plastic cup at Leo's head. Leo closed his mouth, obviously let down, and announced, "Your loss,baby!" With that, he marched out of the gym, Alicia Key's song blaring again and the fireworks exploding once more.

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