Truth or Dare

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The Seven made a habit of doing this every night when no one could sleep. They'd sit in the control room on bean bag chairs and pillows and play truth or dare.

The game was a hit with the demigods. One night Hazel suggested a round, and the other teens agreed to play. Hazel started the game.

"Annabeth, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Annabeth answered. For the most part, no one ever picked her, because she was famous for always picking truth.

"If you could change one thing about Percy, what would it be?" Hazel asked.

"Um..." Hazel saw the mixed look of confusion and curiosity on Percy's face.

"I'd say that I'd... like him to be less impulsive," Annabeth finally answered. The rest of the group laughed at this, except for Percy. He wrapped his arm around Annabeth and whispered too loudly, "Never gonna happen."

The game continued for a few rounds until it was Leo's turn.

"Hey Jason, truth or dare?" Leo asked, his elfish face turned up in a malicious smile.

"Dare," Jason responded without a moment of hesitation. Anyone else would have been smart and chosen truth at the hands of Leo.

"Hmm..." Leo pursed his lips for a moment and stared at nothing, thinking. This was going to be good. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room. But it can't be Piper."

"What?" Jason asked. The only other girls were Annabeth and Hazel, both in relationships. Both in relationships with very protective boyfriends.

Instinctively, Jason turned to choose Annabeth. He moved to kiss her, but then he saw Percy, giving possibly the meanest death glare he had ever seen, twirling the pen-version of Riptide menacingly in his hand.

Jason made the best choice he could.

He got up and went to bed.

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