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you are better than all these things

(Vic's POV)

"Vic, you haven't been at this school a month, I hope you haven't got yourself into too much trouble."

I look away from the guidance councillor as she says that, wishing I was only here to tell her that I wasn't fitting in classes, or something simple like that.

"It's my friend."

"What about your friend?" She asks, suddenly looking slightly more worried about why I would be skipping classes to talk to her.

"Her," I pause feeling gross calling Kellin a girl. "Her boyfriend is hitting her."

"Well, Vic you know this is a very serious matter, I need to call her down to the office now. Who is it?"

"Kelly Quinn."

She nods and walks into the main part of our schools office, and I can hear her calling Kellin down to the office over the intercom.

She comes back and sits down again in her chair, her eyes tired and hair slightly messed up. I feel bad as this is probably a stressful job and this was just another busy part of her day.

"Does her boyfriend go here?" She asked, breaking the silence as we wait for Kellin arrive.

I nod, feeling more nervous as time went on. What if Kellin hates me? He'll have to get over it, I can't let this happen anymore.


"Daniel," I start, realizing I have no idea what his last name is. How could I have never picked this up? "I don't know his last name."

"It's okay, we'll figure this out." She says, smiling at me sympathetically, probably seeing the panic in my eyes.

Kellin walks in then, eyes darting all over the room, fists clenched defensively and clearly uncomfortable. As his eyes settle on me, his eyes soften slightly, but his stiff posture does not change.

"Sit down Miss Quinn." The guidance councillor says and he obeys, sitting next to me, shooting me worried glances. "I've called you down because of something Mr. Fuentes has told me."

Kellin pales, looking over at me, his eyes seeming to plead with me about how he doesn't want this to happen.

"How is your relationship with your boyfriend Kelly?" She asks him, and despite her warm voice he begins to shake more and swallows shakily.


She smiles sadly, writing something down.

"That's nice, what is your boyfriends name?"

"Daniel." He says, voice unsteady and quiet. "Daniel Smith."

"Has your boyfriend ever done something that you didn't like?"

Kellin looked down and started to mumble out an answer when she cut him off.

"Listen, if something is happening, I need to know so I can take care of it. If your boyfriend has ever played a hand on you, or if he yells at you, or makes you do things you don't want to do, you can tell me."

"Well," Kellin trails off, looking so unsure. He looks over to me and I smile encouragingly, just hoping he's say something. "Yeah."

She nods, writing more things down.

"What has he done?"

"He," Kellin started, before taking a deep breath, looking as if he's holding back tears. I reach over and grip his hand, squeezing it. He takes another breath and continues. "He hits me sometimes, but it's always my fault."

"Are any on you?" She asks, looking decently calm with the situation in front of her.

"Yeah." Kellin said, tears running down his face. Some of the concealer running as he rubs his face. "On my face and chest."

"Can I take photos of them?" She asks, holding out her phone, walking across her desk to where we are sitting.


(Kellin's POV)

I'm walking home from school, alone as I told Vic I just wanted some space.

I was pretty annoyed with what he did. He should have kept the school out of this. What are they even going to do? What if it ends up worse?

I shove those thoughts to the back of my head as I keep walking, trying to just calm down from the events of the day.

I fall to the ground with the feeling of a swift kick to the back of my knee caps. I hold my hands out to catch my fall, only ending up with them scraped on the concrete.

"Fucking bitch," I hear, and I freeze, I'd recognize that voice anywhere, Daniel.

I turn myself over seeing him get ready to hit me again when I see Vic run across the street to help out. I roll my eyes at how cliche this is but I am painfully reminded about my reality as Daniel's fist collides with my face.

I prepare myself for another hit when I open my eyes to see Vic throwing a punch at Daniel. Sure Vic wasn't that small, but Daniel was almost 6 feet and definitely outweighed Vic by at least 30 pounds.

"Stay the fuck away from him." I hear Vic growl, as Daniel staggers back from the impact.

"Take the fucking tranny for all I care!" He says, shoving Vic back. "Better fucking watch your back if you know what's good for you."

I stare in disbelief as Daniel stalks away and Vic wipes his bloody knuckle on his pants and turns towards me smiling.

"Why are you here?" I find myself asking.

Sure, maybe it would have been nicer to say thanks, or hug him, but really, why was he here. I told him to leave me alone. After he talked to the office, I needed to sort out my thoughts, and sure he came to my rescue, but he didn't listen to me.

"You really think I would leave you to walk alone when that bitch could have hurt you."

I scoff, turning and walking away. I'm not fragile, I can take care of myself.

"Oh come on Kellin!" He calls, catching up to me. "You know what I meant, he can take on anyone one on one.  I just wanted to be helpful."

"I know." I mumble.

"Then why did you run away?"

"Because I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused with me.

"Scared that you don't care about me."

"What makes you think that?"

I sigh, stopping my walking and just look at him.


Hurt (Kellic) ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora