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what if i can't forget you?

"Ready to go back to school?" I ask, honestly worried about how Kellin might react to seeing Daniel.

It was Monday, and Kellin had been staying at my house since Saturday morning when me and Mike brought him over. I was worried about him, even though he always went to school before this, I was worried this could be his breaking point.

"Yeah." He says, no emotions evident to give me a hint about how he's feeling. "We can stop at my house first right?"


We start walking a bit earlier than Mike so we can get to his house and do whatever then get to school on time.

When we get to his house he asks me to wait down here for a minute while he gets ready.

I play some random game on my phone while he goes upstairs. Maybe 10 min later he walks downstairs, still in my clothes but face seemingly empty of bruises. His skill of covering up bruises is so immense I can only wonder how long he's been covering them.

"Ready to go?" He asks, breaking me out of staring at him face.

I nod and begin walking with him.

I try not to stare at him, but it's hard not to try and pick apart every aspect of him. The way his eyes dart around as if looking for danger, the way his fists are tightly clenched, and how stiff his posture is. You couldn't tell he was even hurting unless you looked into his eyes. His eyes looked so pained, as if he just wanted to collapse but knew he couldn't.

I longed to see him smiling, his eyes glowing with life and happiness, not clouded with sadness and worry.

He catches me staring, shooting me a worried glance, before continuing surveying the area, but this time eyes landing on me every few seconds.

I grab his hand to try and calm him down, immediately feeling bad when he jumps and pulls his hand back.

"Sorry!" He stammers, eyes wider than before.

"No it's okay."

He nods warily and continues walking, his movements stiffer and more controlled.

I sigh, this would be a rough day.

(Kellin's POV)

After being a huge burden and disappointment to Vic all morning, I find myself wandering the halls instead of going to class.

I couldn't concentrate in class, each word the teacher blending into the next, nothing taking priority over my rampant paranoia.

I hadn't seen Daniel, but I was worried if I did. What would happen? What if he was sorry?

I shake the thought out of my head before I'm shoved into a wall.

I flinch and squeeze me nails into my palms to avoid making too much noise.

It's Daniel, not looking too angry, luckily.

"Hi Kelly." He whispers, leaning into his arms which are pinned on either side of me against a locker. "I missed you."

"I," I start, trying to find the proper words. "I missed you too."

I honestly did. Sure Vic gave me attention this weekend, but that was temporary, no one could love me or stand by me like Daniel would.

"That's good." He smirked, leaning in and kissing me.

Something feels wrong about it though, I push that thought back though, and focus on Daniel.


When it's time to go home, Daniel comes to walk me home as usual and Vic walks over, eyeing me and Daniel.

"What are you waiting for?" Daniel asks sternly, noticing Vic's presence. "Let's go."

I nod and start walking with him til I hear Vic speak up.

"Kellin," he calls, and I turn around, wincing at Daniels tightening grip on my hand. "I thought you were coming home with me."

"Um," is all I can manage before I can feel Daniel tug me against him.

"She's coming with me."

Vic frowns deeply, and I know why.

"Come with me and Mike." He says, and I feel sick to my stomach.

I didn't know what to do.

Sure Daniel wasn't the greatest boyfriend all the time but he loved me, and he would always be there. I honestly don't deserve him.

Also Vic could just leave me, he doesn't have any obligations, what if this was just some big prank or something?

I look up at Daniels face and see him fuming, like he could beat the shit out of me, then I look at Vic.

His face is pleading, and honestly I think about how safe I felt in his arms and start to shake my hand out of Daniels.

He doesn't let go easily but I remove my hand and walk over to Vic.

Daniel says nothing and walks off, which surprises me. Why didn't he fight for me? Or at least ask for me to come?

Vic starts walking and I follow, so fucking confused.

(Vic's POV)

I hide my phone so Kellin can't see it and shoot Mike a quick text.

'We need to tell someone about what's happening to Kellin, wether he likes it or not'

Hurt (Kellic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now