Chapter 23 - Mom, I'm Home!

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*Suji's POV*

"Mmm, this tastes so good!" I exclaimed tasting the Mac&Cheese made by Karen. She really does cook good.

"Thanks!" Karen said.

"Mmm, mom, I missed your Mac&Cheese." Shawn said enjoying his dish.

The main door flew open revealing  silhouette of a little girl.

"Mom, I'm home!" I heard a voice coming from the door. I saw a little girl with hazel brown hair. i suddenly recognized the face. It was Aaliyah. She was just as beautiful as she was on social media. I have always admired her.

"Hey, honey." Karen greeted. Aaliyah's eyes suddenly fell on Shawn.

"Shawn!" she exclaimed, leaving her school bag just where she was and ran up to him. Shawn engulfed her into his arms giving her a warm hug. I can understand how Aaliyah must've missed Shawn. I remembered the lovely moments I used to have with my sister.

"How are you, baby girl?" Shawn asked Aaliyah. The nickname is so cute.

"I'm fine. How are you, nerdie?" Aaliyah asked Shawn. Shawn chuckled and hugged her again.

"Oh, Aaliyah, meet Suji." Shawn said pointing towards me. Her happiness suddenly faded away and she put on a frown. I had no idea what I did but it seemed like she hated me. Oh no!

"Oh, so is this reason you came back?" she asked annoyed.

"What? No! Aaliyah, I always visit you guys in my vacation. I just thought it would be nice to introduce Suji to you guys this time." Shawn said to Aaliyah.

"Oh, she doesn't need any introduction. Isn't she that chick who brainwashed you into loving her for some stupid fame? The whole world knows about her cunning plan." Aaliyah said. Those words hurt me so much.

"AALIYAH!" Shawn shouted standing up from his chair. There was a moment of silence. I've never seen him so angry or annoyed. Aaliyah burst into tears and ran up to her room.

"Oh god!" Shawn said feeling guilty and sat down on his seat, his hands up on his head, covering his face. I felt so bad to have ruined such a nice sibling relationship. It was all my fault. Nothing would have happened if I wasn't here in this moment.

Without knowing what to do, I just blasted out of the house with tears running through my cheeks. I heard Shawn's faint voice calling out to me, but I didn't care. I just ran. I'm such a coward. Whenever, I don't have the courage to handle a problem, I just run away pretending that the problem won't chase me. 

My phone buzzed with texts and calls from Shawn. I was too afraid to even face him. I didn't even care where I was heading to. I just ran until I came to a center which I assumed was the City Centre. There were so many people. I didn't want to act awkward so I just walked along the streets. The fresh breeze touched my face drying out my tears. I probably looked miserable but I didn't care.

What did I do that made Aaliyah hate me so much? Why did she have to act so rude? I thought she was a nice person.

I suddenly bumped into someone, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said looking up. I was in shock once I saw who was standing in front of me.



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