Chapter 26 - You kissed?

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*Shawn's POV*

"And he KISSED me!" Those words struck my heart like a lightning bolt. I didn't know exactly how to react to this situation. 

"Shawn, please. I know it was a mistake. I really messed up and I'm so sorry. I immediately pulled away realizing that what I was doing was wrong. It was just a spark at the moment. I'm really sorry that I hurt you. I - I - I am -" she started stammering. I turned away. I couldn't look at her anymore. This was a lot to process.

"It's okay. Its not your fault." I said stuffing my hands into my sweatpants.  

"I just need some alone time right now. I'm sorry." And with that, I walked out of the room, leaving Suji alone. I needed some fresh air. I didn't care that it was 1 am in the morning. I just needed a relaxing stroll on the streets to clear my mind out of these thoughts. I didn't even know who to blame, Suji for kissing Andy, Andy for starting the kiss or myself for letting Suji run away in the first place. And I don't even know this Andy guy. I mean, Suji has told stories about her very 'best friend', but I haven't even met him in person. How can I judge him if I don't even know this guy! Maybe it was just at the moment. Or maybe he had intentionally done that. Gosh, I am so dramatic!

*Suji's POV*

I broke down in tears, feeling my body falling to the ground. I knew I made a big mistake. Why did I even fall for that kiss in the first place? Oh I hate myself right now! I'm the worst girlfriend in the whole world. This is the first time I've ever been in a relationship, and I screwed it up. Great work, Suji! After everything that Shawn has done for me, all I do is cheat on him? I'm the worst! 

I need someone to talk to. As I sit crying, not knowing what to do, I hear knocking on the door. I opened the door of our room, only to see the one person who I never expected to show up!


Hey guys! I'm sorry for being so inactive recently. And I'm sorry that this chapter is short. i'm kinda having a writer's block right now. Hopefully I'll figure out how the story should continue. But I need some time. So hope you guys understand. Thank you again for reading this story. Love y'all!


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