Important A/N (Explanation)

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I just want to give everyone who is confused about all the tailed beasts in Naruko a little heads up: not all is as it seems. I have a certain little event planned for later in the story. Or, a certain direction I want the story to go for her, if you will. I will try to explain what I mean without spoiling too much.

The tailed beasts Fiona, Aquatis, Fenrir, and even the dormant Ten Tails, are not like Kurama and Shukaku. The Ten Tails is a replica of the original that Orochimaru made, in an attempt to revive the real Ten Tails, without having to collect all the nine tailed beasts. He wanted to turn Naruko into some kind of weapon that could be used against Konoha. He had a lot of chakra stored up in three statues that he gathered from fallen enemies, that eventually had enough chakra to become their own tailed beasts. Meaning the other three Bijuu are actually artificial tailed beasts. They have actual souls that were created when sealed into Naruko by him, but that's the only thing real about them.

In an earlier chapter (the one before this note, I believe) Naruko mentioned that the tailed beasts were slowly killing her from the inside. That's both true and false. They're stealing bits of her chakra as a means to stay alive in a way. Usually they steal the chakra of people Naruko had to kill, but the Ten Tailed phony is stealing the other tailed beasts' chakra on top of that. It's basically a power struggle of who gets to live by stealing who's chakra. The Ten Tails needs the most chakra, and the others only need little slivers here and there to survive, since they're the most developed.

Also, to further explain Shukaku, the reason he was able to be sealed within Naruko, well, I kind of bent the rules a little. With the artificial tailed beasts, I figured: "Hey, they're not real, so why should the rules apply to them?" So when I thought about Kurama and Shukaku, and even Gaara, I guess, in the end, I wanted her to be close to him in some way. (Again because I have a way I want the story to go.) I figured, a human body can only handle one whole tailed beast. Well, two halves equal a whole... Quoting my English teacher: "Once you know the rules, you can manipulate them." 😂

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