Bother Someone Else

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Cuphead x Separation Anxiety! Reader

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【Excessive fear or worry about separation from home or an attachment figure.】

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She wasn't always like this.

Being scared of separation. Scared of not being near the person or toon she was really close to, or has always feared of losing them in places.

"(Y/n)." Cuphead spoke. Clearly annoyed by the female's hold on his arm. Not want to deal with her through the entire day.

The trouble. He didn't know she had separation anxiety. She didn't want to tell him. Afraid that he'd laugh at her, or make fun of her for it.

She was completely scared of losing him among the town of humans and toons. Afraid he'd never be next to her or in her arms ever again.

To Cuphead. He felt like she was being clingy with him. Being utterly possessive. Not minding the fact, that she was breathing in and out; trying, to calm down the anxious feeling in her gut.

"I'm sorry Cups. I just. I hate to let go of you. I don't want to be lost when you slip from my hold." She replied, saying the last part in a quiet mumble. In return, Cuphead sighed in annoyance, once again.

"Fine. Just, stop having a death grip on me. You're making it more difficult for me to walk with you always hanging on to me."

(Y/n) nodded with a sad smile on her lips, before loosening her grip a bit. Still keeping him in her hold. As to not lose him anywhere in the town full of; both, humans and toons.

It seemed as if the entire world slowed down, in her eyes.

Cuphead was no longer in her hold, as she began to panic. Small tears streaming down her cheeks, as she searched in the crowd of humans and toons. Looking here and there's for the male Cup.

The sudden reaction from her, causing everyone around her, to look at her with a strange expression, before they continued onwhat they were doing.

"Cu-Cup-Cuphead?" She called out quietly. Not wanting to disturb others conversation or daily work/life. Seeing as some of them already showed, that they've had a bad day.

"Cu-." Among the crowd, she spotted him a few feet away from her.

He seemed to be talking to someone. Someone that she couldn't see. At last, she managed to make towards him without shoving past others, or making a big scene.

With one last step, she grabbed onto Cuphead's right arm, gripping onto him tightly, before letting out shallow breaths.

An annoyed sigh was heard from Cuphead, before he yanked his arm away from the trembling female. This, causing her to breath a bit quickly, before reaching out to his arm again.

Cuphead pulled his arm back, before she could grab onto him. Her eyes widening, before looking up to see the menacing  (warning)glare, he was giving her. Causing cold shivers to go down her form. Once again, reaching towards Cuphead's arm.

"No! (Y/n). I told you to stop holding onto me. You seem too darn clingy and possessive of me. What's gotten into you?" He asked in a angry manner, before she looked down to the ground, and wrapping her arms around herself.

"I'm sorry Cups. I-I. It's ju-just that-" Cut off by Cuphead, before she could even answer him.

"No. No 'sorry Cuphead'. I've had enough of you hanging onto me. Enough of you holding me in your grip. Just go bother someone else with your clingy[ness?]."

Eyes widen in sudden pain, as Cuphead's words echoed into her thoughts. Not wanting to say anything more, she turned away, and ran off. Despite, wanting to run back to him, and hold him in her arms.

Tears escaped her eyes, as she ran all the way back to, where Felix's tent was set up and into Bendys' arms. Crying quietly into his chest, as he gently wrapped his arms around her.

Bendy was the only person she could hold onto, other than Cuphead. And only Felix, Boris, and he  knew about her separation anxiety.

"I was going t-to tell him. I-I-I was going t-t-to..." She sobbed out, before Bendy pulled her tightly against him, trying his best to calm her down. Knowing she only wanted to make this work. Between her and Cuphead.

"I know angel. I know. If he didn't want to hear you out. Maybe he shouldn't be the one for you." Bendy spoke, kissing the top of her head, keeping her in his arms, and calming her down.

She held onto Bendy more, closing her eyes, and listening to his beating heart. It, almost sounding like soft rhythm in her ears. Slowly, her eyes shut. Finally, calming down, and falling asleep in Bendy's hold.

He sighed out softly. "He doesn't deserve to know. He doesn't deserve to be there if he can't hear you out angel."

With that, he held onto her, as he stood up. He walked out of the tent, and went into another. Hers. He then placed her down into her makeshift bed, pulling the blankets onto her, before looking down at her sleeping.

"He shouldn't be the one for you."

Before he managed to get out of the tent, a small tug on his vest held him from doing so. He looked back to see (Y/n) with half lidded eyes, looking at him.

"Please. Stay."


Bendy sat next to her, before laying down, and holding her in his arms. Softly petting her hair. And slowly, she fell back alseep.

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How'd you like that? Sorry it was a bit angsty. I am trying to get back into writing and this is the only I could get back into.

⚠️Alert!⚠️ ⚠️Alert!⚠️

How many of my readers/viewers are Undertale (AU's) fans?

Because I have a question for you all.

Would you like to have a one-shot book? Or a preference book? Because there are some characters that don't get a lot of attention in most oneshots (I did start one, but discontinued, I may start it again). How does that sound?

Plus, I need to get back into writing.

Anyway. That's all for now. Buh-bye.

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