A Confession

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Mickey x Reader

Requested by: musicgirl988


Mickey sighed deeply as he sat at the table, chin resting at the palm of his hand.

"Say, What's the matter Mick?" Goofy asked as he pulled a one of the chairs out and sat down.

"Nothing's the matter Goofy. It's just that, (y/n) hasn't come to visit." "Aw Mick. She probably has things to deal with." Goofy responded as he gave his friend a pat on the back, before getting up.

"Sure hope so." Mick replied back, a sad smile forming on his lips.

Goofy smiled softly at him, before pushing his chair in and walking into his own bedroom.


"Papa. Uncle Mickey looks sad again." One of Oswald's children spoke in a sad tone, before he got up from his bed, walked out of his bedroom, and outside, in the back porch.

"I don't know why I'm being this way. I just want to see her again. But, with what she does; she just can't get a schedule or day off to visit." Mickey sighed sadly before one of the bunny children sag in his lap and nuzzled against him.

"Uncle Mickey. Please don't be sad?" Mickey looked after the child, before smiling softly.

"He's right Mickey. Don't worry too much. I'm pretty sure (y/n) can come to visit sooner than you think." Oswald smiled softly, before hugging Mickey, who hugged back, before wiping away the tears at the corner of his eyes.

Without any other word, Mickey looked up at the sky; the stars sparkling.

"Um.. Oswald?" Oswald looked at Mickey with a soft look. "Yeah Mick?"

Mickey started to mess with his fingers, and avoid eye contact with the children and Oswald. Until he finally spoke.


The next day; a knock was heard throughout the house, waking up Mickey; seeing as he was a light sleeper.

"Hold on." He yawned out, before unlocking the door and opening it.

"Oh my. Seems this wasn't the correct time to visit." "Oh no. It's alri-"

Mickey stopped mid sentence as he opened both of his tired eyes, and looked at the person before him.

She was wearing; (c/s), and had a bag on her shoulder.

In Mickey's eyes, she was beautiful.

"(Y-y/n)?" Mick asked before rubbing his eyes, making sure it wasn't a dream.

"Yes Mick. It's me." She smiled at him before she was pulled into a tight hug.

"Oh. Missed you to Mick. Missed you too." She giggled, before hugging him back.

"Well gosh! Come in. Come in." Mickey moved aside, allowing her to walk in. "Take a seat at the table, while I get ready." Mick spoke excitedly, and going back to his room.

"Same old Mickey." (Y/n) spoke as she sat at the table, and waited patiently for Mickey.

As she was, she heard a small yawn, before hearing the voice.

"Uncle Mickey?" She looked down to see one of Oswald's children, rubbing his eyes, before taking a glimpse at her.

In a minute she was engulfed in a hug once again.

"Howdy there (y/n)!" She giggled softly, knowing how Goofy was when she visited, and patted his arm.

"Hi Goofy. Long time no see." And she looked back down, to see the bunny child smiling brightly.


"Hey (y/n)?" Mickey looked at her before looking down, a tint of pink coming to his face.

"Yeah Mickey?" She smiled, looking at Mickey, before she felt a hand grabbing her own.

She looked down to see Mickey's hand. Her face slowly turns red, before she looks away, covering her mouth.

To Mickey, he felt so embarrassed, of holding her hand. Even if that's what they'd done when they were children.

"I just have to tell you something..." Mickey slowly looked over at he'd, before earning a small nod from her, along with a soft 'Hm' in response.

"I know we have been Friends for so long, and we haven't really see each other for almost a year. And through those days, I've really really missed seeing you. And it hurt me to even think about the worst that could happen."

He sighed softly, before letting go of her hand, and holding his arms against his chest.

"I've really, really missed you. The pain hurt in my chest. Everytime I thought of you, it always hurt. And What I am saying is..."

She looked at him before quickly going up to him, and pulling him into a tight embrace. As he slowly, yet gently hugged her back.

"Mick. It's ok. I'm here. I won't ever leave you alone again. I promise to visit every three days a week."

She slowly pulled her arms back, as she rested her hands on his shoulder, and pulled back a bit, before looking into Mickey's eyes.

"I know how you feel. And I can only say one thing." Mickey looked away with sad eyes before he felt her thumb and index finger pull his face to look at her.

"I feel the same way Mick. I've always have. I cleaned my scheduled day, just to visit with you. Considering it's has been almost, over a year. And I came to be with you."

Mickey stared into her (e/c) eyes, before he slowly leaned in.

The gap between the two closed. As their lips touched each others.

It was almost as if sparks were happening, and fireworks were about to go off.

To Mickey, he'd hope to be there for her, as she had been there for him. Hoping, that something special will happen to them in a few more years.


May not be my best, but I hope you enjoyed.

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