Loss: Part 1

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Cuphead x Schizophrenic! Depressed! Reader

(Yeah. I know mental illnesses aren't supposed to be you know? But this was just an idea. Sorry if you don't like this. If you don't then don't read this one-shot. Sorry again.)


(Y/n)'s POV

The air around me was making me feel trapped.

I couldn't understand why. Couldn't get the idea of everything away.

I watched as the coffin was being lowered into the ground; six feet under.

Tears slowly streamed down my face as the sunny, clear skies were being covered over by dark clouds. Ones that are going to cry with me.

I didn't want to believe it. I did not want to accept the fact that my best friend, and sister in law; Ortensia lost her life to the ink illness.

Oswald and I were the worst of everyone else.


Original POV

"We gather here today, to remember a mother, a wife, and a best friend. May she rest in peace. As her loved ones mourn today, and release all emotions inside them. Dearly, beloved Ortensia. As we lay you down to rest, we hope that you find freedom and peace among yourself and be at peace." The spokesman spoke out, as droplets of rain began to pour down.

Everyone stood behind the two main people as they said their last words and placed their flowers onto the coffin.

Each of them grabbing a handful of dirt and standing at the edge of the hole.

Two men, began to lower the coffin down. Gently letting it go, as they pulled out the rope.

"We'll miss you Ortensia. We always will." Their two soft voices spoke, before more tears streamed down their cheeks, as they threw the dirt down onto the coffin, and turned away.


It's been two years now. Well, for the girl at least.

Oswald on the other hand was back to his normal self. While she remained hidden away in her bedroom. Blocking out the entire world.

She hadn't eaten in days, and refused to leave her own room.

There came a soft knock on the door.

"(Y/n), why don't you come and meet the others?" Mickey spoke, before earning a hushed whisper. "N-no."

"Well, I won't force you to. You can come when you want. But they'll be moving in, next door to us." Mickey said, before turning around.

He took one last glance at the door, and sighed sadly, before returning back to the entertainment room.


A week has passed by, when Mickey told (y/n) about their neighbors; also known as the questers; who managed to take care of the ink illness.

Yet, (y/n) has not come out of her bedroom.

Being worried, Mickey decided to talk to her once again. But this time with Oswald's help. He couldn't let his little sister be lost in the darkness. Just like Oswald.

And of course, he didn't want to lose her to anything beyond that darkness.


Mickey knocked on the girl's door as Oswald stood behind him.

"What now?" She asked, her voice a bit haorse and monotone.

The lack of interaction with her family and friends, made her want to stay quiet, and hope to become mute.

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