Too Late

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Continuation of:

Cuphead x Best Friend! Reader:
"Tell Me"

Sad Ending

{{BTW: I recommend you play the video while reading.}}

First Choice

It had been four days since Cuphead had spoken to (y/n).

Whenever they were a few inches away from each other, Cuphead would make an excuse of going somewhere, away from (y/n).

It hurt (y/n) pretty badly once she figured out what Cuphead was doing.

He seemed to avoid making conversation with her, and avoid being around her.

Her thoughts ran, giving her a negative effect. One she rather not be having, considering her emotions got the best of her.


(Y/n) sat alone, by the beautiful, crystal clear, lake. Which happened to be located inside the cave they were all in.

She sighed deeply. Hoping to clear her mind off. She yet again, pulled out her flute and began to play a sad melody.


Everyone was chatting away; far from where (y/n) had gone.

Though as they grew quiet, they heard the sound of a sad melody.

They all knew where the melody was coming from. (Y/n). And ever since the four days of their quest; they've come to find that (y/n) hasn't been herself lately.


She continued her melody, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Anyone could blandly feel the emotion through her melody. They could understand the feeling she was having. Anyone except, Cuphead.

He was the reason she had felt this way. He avoided talking to her, and avoided being near her.

For the four days, she had wanted to make small talk, and try to tell him what she was going to tell him that day.

Though, Cuphead clearly didn't see. He was too caught up with the negative idea. Too distant and cold to see her sadness.

She continued the melody for hours, hoping to let the emotion; sadness flow out of her before it quickly took over her mind.


"Hey Cuphead!" Bendy called to him, as the smol demon {{I just had to, sorry -w-}} walked towards Cuphead and sat next to him.

"What?" Cuphead replied with a slight annoyance before earning a heavy sigh from Bendy.

"Look. You really should check on (y/n). Seeming as she hasn't really been herself. You can hear it in her melody."

"Look Bendy. I am not in the mood to talk. I'm sorry. And she seems like she doesn't want to talk to me."

"That is a load of bull Cuphead. The only reason you think she doesn't want to speak to you is, you're the one avoiding her. She has been trying to talk to you. But when she does, you just walk away, avoiding eye contact and giving an excuse of seeing Mugman, Boris and me. I may be a flirt, but seeing something like this happening between two of my friends; it's just too damn painful. Especially since, you're the really hurting (y/n) and your friendship with her."

Cuphead looked at Bendy with shock before looking down at the rocks.

"After all this time {{Always. Readers: Dammit Fallen. You ruined the moment. Me: Sorry. I can't help it. ;-;}}. Bendy?" Cuphead said, as he looked toward Bendy.

BABTQFTIM (All AUS) X Reader: One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now