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and no you weren't mistaken when you saw that there was an update to this story.

Hey guys! Its been to long since I have written anything here, But I have noticed this story is just getting more popular as the days go by, and I noticed some comments from readers which whom read when the story was first written. I miss you guys so much and I miss writing in this storyline! I would appreciate feedback, and I may decide to write a book two, but I am not sure if I will. Thank you for the readers who stuck along with the story. I may not write a book two, but a short story to continue off of. If y'all want something major definitely message me, I'm always here and I usually reply. I want to know all of my readers and How are y'all? Hows life? Message below and I'll be sure to say I'll read each and everyone of them.

Sincerely, Kayla.

Karah <3

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