Prince Derek, my master

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"GET UP!" The voice boomed. I flinched and slowly my sight returned. I was in a bedroom.. A very nice one. I looked over to the man, he was wearing a black suit. He raised his eye brows and looked down. I realized I was naked and my breasts were showing. My cheeks turned red and I covered myself with the sheets. He just chuckled and said "it's alright little one, I won't be the only one seeing those" I just slowly nodded, shaking again. Damnit. I wish I was dead. I wish I wasn't chosen from the ten.. Addie !! I shot up again and he pushed me into the bed harshly and a tear fell from my cheek. I didn't even realize I was crying. He said in a harsh tone "you are a slave now. You have no freedom or right to show us any disrespect. You will be going through short tips from another female in a hour on how to do your job as a slave. Then after that she will get you clothes and you will be taken to a cell. And other vampires with high ranking will come to find a slave and will take you, and you will be their slave for the rest of your life unless they decide to take you back or to kill you instead. Whatever they do to you is up to them. Now get dressed, the closet is over there" he spat pointing to the dresser. I just nodded and he slammed the door behind him and I heard several locks being locked on the other side. There wasn't any windows, or even air vents. Just a fan. It was a nice room, painted a light pink and the bed was so soft like a marshmallow, and the materials on the bed was so good feeling , my parents would never be able to afford any of this. I slipped out of bed walking to the closet grabbing a bra, there were several bra's and several sizes of panties. I grabbed my size of undergarments and I slipped on a black shirt and jeans . They were all the same color just different sizes. I felt so dirty and greesy. I wash my face every morning and night and my face was all oily and my mascara was kinda runny. I walked into the bathroom and there actually was stuff to wash my face with, and I checked in the cabinet and there was plenty of mascara and make up, but also on the other side were chains and condoms and other sorts used for sexual related things. It just made me more scared of what was to come. Then I heard the locks being unlocked and it shook tingles down my spine. I peeked out of the bathroom door and a lady was siting there staring at me. She sighed heavily and said "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help. Come on out" I opened the door and walked out. She smiled at me and sat on the bed and motioned me to sit next to her. She continued "I'm Flora, I was once a slave. But only in the royal court. The vampires have always had their own little place to stay on one part of the world. The vampires never bothered humans until lately. They didn't have enough "slaves" and they wanted more, vampires are very lusty, all they do is crave blood and sex. Sorry I have to be blunt to you, I only have a hour to explain. Some girls get nice owners and some don't. To get a nice owner is very rare, extremely rare. And you are very good looking so I'm sure you will get a lot of biders. That all will be explain to you separately later on. I'm here to explain to you how to be a good slave

And how to stay alive and to please your master. You will treat your master with respect, always calling him "sir" and doing what he says by every command. Y'all will have sex, it is vampires nature so sadly this will be your last day or night being a virgin. Well most likely, so enjoy it. I'm so sorry you are young." She cupped one half of my face her thumb rubbing on my cheek softly with a weak smile and she continued lifting her hand away from my face "I really do feel bad for you. And I'm sorry this is what to come. But you need to be very deductive on that stage, trust me. You need the vampires that are richest, you want the prince or the king, or a cousin of the prince. You need rich vampires. Trust me Karah, you don't want to end up in a dirty place more prone to diseases. You'll be able to take showers and you would be better treated health wise in the royal court. You'll get good food, the best around. And I know because I was once a slave to the king. And I bared him a kid. Who is now a servant" her eyes got watery and I moved in immediately and hugged her. She looked so young. She probably was young. The same man from earlier growled at us and he snatched the girl away and threw her out of the room. Literally, threw her. I just looked up at him, scared again. He said "change of plans, you are getting ready now and you are going to be waiting in here until it's your turn to be running the stage. That'll be explained to you as well. For now your stylist will be coming in." A black lady walked in with a black dress showing off her cleavage she smiled at the man and said "why thank you Frank" she winked and walked her way towards me and he mumbled "anything for the witch herself" my eyes widened. Witch. Damnit what else is gonna come out? The tooth fairy??!?! She smiled at me and said "yes my child I am a witch. Now stand up stand up lets get you ready now." I stood up and she said "mm, long blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin but curves in the right places" I just blushed a little. She snapped her fingers and my hair was curled and pulled to the side and she had given me a shirt that was just enough to cover my cleavage, the shirt was black and super tight. You could see almost everything. Then a tight black shorts were on me and my butt cheeks were almost visible. I shivered. She smiled at me. She applied mascara and red lipstick. She winked at me and opened the door and she yelled "READY" and another man walked in my room. He gave me a cocky smirk and walked in and said "alright, so in 10 minutes you will be called. You will walk down the runway shaking your hips and try to make your breast have a little, LITTLE bounce to grab the vampires attention. Then when you turn to walk back try to show off your legs then walk back winking to all of the vampire men. Then you will stop before returning through the doors and you will stand there in one pose. And you do whatever is "attractive" and look out on the audience waiting for biders. The person who bids the most money has earned you and you will walk off the stage and two men will walk you to the person who has bought you. From then on out, it's all up to your master. Good luck babe" he winked and walked out of the room and he called "6 minutes for Karah!" I but my lower lip scared beyond my wits. I had to be seductive or attractive to get the best one. I had two. I don't want to be dirty with hardly any food, well being apart of the royal court seems like a whole lot better. I sighed heavily staring at myself in the mirror. Please god. Please let me be enough. Please just let me have a nice owner. Please. The door opened and I gulped and one of the men took a hold of one my arms gently and I was back stage looking at the girl with high stockings with only panties and a tight low shirt. She was bided for 19,000 dollars. And she was taken down the stage. DAMN.! 19,000!! These vamps must really crave. I walked up the stage and before getting out I breathed. I can do this Karah. I can do this. I stepped onto the stage and lost any emotion of scared or nervous, and I shook my hips a little biting my lip looking at the audience with a playful smirk. I tuned out the whistles or the clapping and I just did as told. I turned one hand playing with my hair and I turned and shook my hips back to the spot I was suppose to stand. Alright, maybe not the best. I stood there one hand on my hip and the first bid was 10,000, then 12,000 then 18,000 then no one else went further. Dammit. I needed to do something before he says "going twice" I had a lustful look in my eyes and my hands played with the rim of the shirt and my hands cupped my breast and I started to outline my breast and I bit my lower lip. Then I heard men going crazy and one yelled in a microphone "1,000,000" holy shit. That kid must be rich. I wonder if I could go further. I used my hands to outline my figure and the outlining of my shorts. Another one yelled "2,000,000,000!!!!!" And I almost fainted. Holy shit. Holy dang shit. I'm not that good looking, well I'm not even gonna go further. That's a damn a lot. "Going once, going twice, PRINCE DEREK WINS" prince Derek?!,! Wait I actually . Holy dumb fuck.

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