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Karahs Pov-

I was screaming. Yelling. Crying. Dying. At least, I felt like I was dying. My eye lids wouldn't open and I couldn't move at all. I could hear Derek's voice soothe me. Even though I couldn't make out the words parting those delicious lips, his voice was enough. I don't quite understand what's happening with me, I'm getting strange feelings for a man I had just met and had sex with. (Yes, I shall be blunt with you) I couldn't be in love, it was to soon. I didn't even know his favorite color.

4 days later

I trembled to open my eyes and I saw faces surround me. I frowned while everyone gasped and jumped back a bit. I frowned even more sitting up my strength coming to me all suddenly. "What is wrong with y'all?" I asked. Derek moved forward with a reassuring smile. He looked like a wreck. Messed up greasy hair and he smelled bad. He spoke "Karah, you've been in a coma for 18 days" my eyes widened my memories coming back to me hearing this clock .. And I blacked out. "How?" I asked. "Karah, how do you feel? Do you hear any voices, anything?" I felt offended and practically yelled "I feel perfectly fine. Now let me get dressed i feel disgusting" Derek motioned everyone outside and his smile faded once everyone left and he grabbed my wrist and yanked me out of bed and threw me in front of the mirror and he said sternly "look at this. You have black hair, and your eyes turn red.. Watch" he smirked as he was behind me and pressed himself against me his fingers tracing circles down my shoulder to my upper breast and his hand going underneath the red silky night gown and I looked in the mirror my eyes turning red. I pushed myself away and I asked trembling "what's.. What's wrong with me?" A tear slid down my cheek "what did you do to me?" I growled and hugged my body with my arms sinking to the floor while I kept whispering "what did you do.. What did you do.." He replied "I didn't do anything. Us making love.. It triggered what you were born to be. It set off the spell." I yelled "us making love? You call that love?" I laughed sarcastically "you are quite funny. What we did wasn't making love. You were using me. That was it. But most importantly, what freaking spell what was I meant to be?" My body was shaking fiercely. Am I born a vampire ? No. No. No. No. I'm not, no. I can't be a monster feeding off flesh. I can't be like them. Please. No. I started crying again. I was regretting me enjoying that night, or anything with him. I just want to go home with my best friend and sip on hot chocolate and not have to worry about any of this. I want to go home and hug my mother and thank her for everything. I don't even know if she's alive, or even my true mother. My world seemed to be closing on me. I heard him sigh heavily and he sat on the floor and said " it's a long story, I'm sorry. And everything I have to say is going to be beyond your wildest dreams and your whole entire life is going to be turned upside down after I tell you what is going on" I looked up, and said staring in his eyes " tell me"

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