The Trainer

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I headed towards the shower bathing myself in the hot shower which felt good on my skin. I dried off and blow dried my hair. I curled it while drying it and then walked to the bedroom staring at the dress that looked beautiful. It was quite pretty, but to complex for my taste. I walked towards the closet and opened it, biting my lower lip thinking my face brightened as I found a simple black dress, tighter around my breasts down to my waist and after that flowed normally. I smiled while putting it on and Put the necklace around my neck and I walked out of the room, Derek's eyes shining looking at me up and down and said "that isn't the dress I picked, but that looks way better on you" I smiled weakly and said "thanks" he put his hand resting on my lower back guiding me to the limo and he whispered "behave meeting my parents, they are royals" I nodded and slid in the limo Derek sliding next to me shutting the door. We drove for about an hour until finally the gates with a fancy letter of "RV" on the gates. I'm guessing standing for royal vampires. We drove in, a whole bunch of trees were covering the view until finally a HUGEE freaking mansion appeared, I mean huge. I thought Derek's place was big but this place is like 5x times larger. There were guys and girls in black suits walking around. We slid out of the limo and Derek smiled brightly at me. I smiled weakly back and we walked in the building. We walked down the stairs and there was a red carpet going all the way to the thrown's and it was dark besides some candles lit the room. It was peaceful and relaxing to my soul. We kept walking forward until I saw a younger man and a younger woman, the man looked as of 17 and the other 15. Then below the throws was a boy, well man. He looked to be 18, 2 years older than I am. He wasn't extremely tall but taller than me. He had bright green eyes and blonde hair. He looked at me with a smile before I noticed Derek glaring at him and he looked away getting a stern look. I whispered in Derek's ear "who is he?" He sighed heavily and replied "his name is Chase, my older brother. He will also be training you." "Oh" was all I said. The king smiled at me and said loudly "welcome Princess Karohonia, I am Luther and this is my wife and queen Annabelle" I smiled and replied "it is my honor to meet the both of you in person" when I actually hated their guts because I was admitted to a sex trade because of them. He smiled brightly at my response and he replied "such a person for flattery miss Karahonia?" "I only speak the truth sir." He smiled and kept going " and this is my son Chase which Derek has already told you" he continued "you are welcome here, my kingdom and everyone out and in around it will protect you with their lives. But I'm sure Derek your fiancé is eager for you to start training. Chase will lead the way" I smiled politely and said "I'm sorry but I don't think Derek has proposed so indeed we are not engaged nor together. But maybe one day when he may ask so" I gave a gentle bowed and followed Chase. Out of the double doors. I'm not even sure if I even want to be with Derek. I kept following chase until we ended up going up some stairs until we walked into a room with large windows. "It's safe with the windows, outside of the windows are is a force field, a spell. So we are safe to train" I nodded and asked "am I going to train in a dress?" He laughed and replied "you can chose anything that fits through that locker room" he pointed at a door to the left. I walked in finding some black tights and a black t shirt. I walked out and chases eyes wondered up and down my body and he said with a smirk "let's start training"

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